several issues

nelson c

Well-known member
Hi, Dmitry

there is a problem in the tag editor, sometimes you can not edit some clues.

Is there any future plan to include support for the event start the streaming metadata (instead of DTMF tones).
the idea is to replace commercial without the audience hear any DTMF tone.
Other companies have implemented ( HDX Radio3 example, there is a demo version), and while I do not think it is as reliable as DTMF tones is much more verbose, since the audience does not hear anything.

For when it plans to launch RB 5?

nelson c said:
Is there any future plan to include support for the event start the streaming metadata (instead of DTMF tones).
the idea is to replace commercial without the audience hear any DTMF tone.
Maybe this will be included in the future - I need to think about it.

nelson c said:
Other companies have implemented ( HDX Radio3 example, there is a demo version), and while I do not think it is as reliable as DTMF tones is much more verbose, since the audience does not hear anything.
Audience doesn't care about those tones. 99.(9)% of listeners do not notice the tones at all. Also DTMF tones may help your station to sound more professional :)

nelson c said:
For when it plans to launch RB 5?
The development is started and I think beta version will be released in October.
I agree that dtmf tones do a very good job, but competition stations used other systems not listening anything and that is interesting. A great solution might be to detect DTMF tones from the streaming buffer, and events begin before the tone.

Another improvement I would like to ask, in this case in playlist generator:
Basically the problem of the generation of lists, is that such a program of classics, often inserted songs are "Super Classic", but no they are still songs that we would like to include in the lists . only that in a more discrete.
a solution can be to generate a category rarely appears in PlayList Generator Pro

But I thought a more appropriate solution. using the "Rating" present in Track Tool, you could prioritize lists generated.
For example tracks with "Rating 10" will have higher priority, and therefore precente keychain oftener into lists, compared to another track with "Rating 1", for example.
nelson c said:
I agree that dtmf tones do a very good job, but competition stations used other systems not listening anything and that is interesting. A great solution might be to detect DTMF tones from the streaming buffer, and events begin before the tone.
Maybe you note DTMFs because you run a radio station. Listeners usually don't care about it at all. For example, all major radio stations in Russia (with millions of listeenrs) have DTMF tones and they're OK with it :)
I'll see, maybe we could implement new event start conditions - like test some URL, check file contents etc.
I've added this to the future requests list.

nelson c said:
Another improvement I would like to ask, in this case in playlist generator:
Basically the problem of the generation of lists, is that such a program of classics, often inserted songs are "Super Classic", but no they are still songs that we would like to include in the lists . only that in a more discrete.
a solution can be to generate a category rarely appears in PlayList Generator Pro

But I thought a more appropriate solution. using the "Rating" present in Track Tool, you could prioritize lists generated.
For example tracks with "Rating 10" will have higher priority, and therefore precente keychain oftener into lists, compared to another track with "Rating 1", for example.
Yes, new filters for PGenPro are planned - rating, genre filter and maybe others.
djsoft said:
nelson c said:
I agree that dtmf tones do a very good job, but competition stations used other systems not listening anything and that is interesting. A great solution might be to detect DTMF tones from the streaming buffer, and events begin before the tone.
Maybe you note DTMFs because you run a radio station. Listeners usually don't care about it at all. For example, all major radio stations in Russia (with millions of listeenrs) have DTMF tones and they're OK with it :)
How interesting, here are a few the seasons in which DTMF tones are heard, perhaps because here most of the stations have national software running another type of system, for commercial replacement.
I'll see, maybe we could implement new event start conditions - like test some URL, check file contents etc.
I've added this to the future requests list.
This is good news!, I love that RadioBOSS is open to further improvement, and user reviews. :D
nelson c said:
Another improvement I would like to ask, in this case in playlist generator:
Basically the problem of the generation of lists, is that such a program of classics, often inserted songs are "Super Classic", but no they are still songs that we would like to include in the lists . only that in a more discrete.
a solution can be to generate a category rarely appears in PlayList Generator Pro

But I thought a more appropriate solution. using the "Rating" present in Track Tool, you could prioritize lists generated.
For example tracks with "Rating 10" will have higher priority, and therefore present keychain oftener into lists, compared to another track with "Rating 1", for example.
Yes, new filters for PGenPro are planned - rating, genre filter and maybe others.
Ok, but the functionality that I commented it is not a system of "Filter" as a filter eliminated the tracks who are below a certain punctuation.
The idea is a priority system where a track with higher priority has more chance of airing a low priority. so this present less frequently in the lists generated.
This is ideal because we need to generate lists eg where the "Super Classic" are those who dominate their playlists. and songs that were not so well known, are inserted in a more discrete.
I hope I was clear

nelson c said:
This is good news!, I love that RadioBOSS is open to further improvement, and user reviews. :D
Thanks :)

nelson c said:
Ok, but the functionality that I commented it is not a system of "Filter" as a filter eliminated the tracks who are below a certain punctuation.
The idea is a priority system where a track with higher priority has more chance of airing a low priority. so this present less frequently in the lists generated.
This is ideal because we need to generate lists eg where the "Super Classic" are those who dominate their playlists. and songs that were not so well known, are inserted in a more discrete.
I hope I was clear
Yes, it is clear. I just called it a "filter" - I mean it will prioritize tracks using some criteria (rating, last played, etc).
Hi Dmitry, I found a small problem:
The scheduler option "send event name, the server" does not work when using the simultaneous player.

Yes, events with the "overlay playback" option do not send titles to the server at all - this is by design.
Ok, I understand...

I'm having problems with the command makelibrary

The command is:
makelibrary Todo.xml | D: \ My Documents \ My Documents Nelson \ My Music

The XML name already exists so you should update your.
The path where to scan is correctly written



  • bug.png
    7.2 KB · Views: 747
When path contains spaces it has to be enclosed in quotes, eg:

makelibrary Todo.xml|"D:\My Documents\My Documents\Nelson\My Music"
Dmitry, some of these requests (the most important for me) was implemented in RB 5.1?  :)

1-Priroridades for songs (in playlist generator pro)

2-Ad stadium weather (temperature, humidity, rain), it is not necessary to seek data on the Internet, many have radios weather stations that provide us with this data in a txt. automatically emit it would be interesting.

3-Automatic ads over intro songs, that would be great, sounds very professional air. this week talking on facebook with @Diabolix told me the same, "it is a shame that the program still does not have this"

4- the problem with Sigue Editor to report
Some of those features are planned - they are likely to be added in RB 5.1 release.

nelson c said:
3-Automatic ads over intro songs, that would be great, sounds very professional air. this week talking on facebook with @Diabolix told me the same, "it is a shame that the program still does not have this"
Do you mean automatic intros for artists? I think that would be possible via Playlist Generator Pro
If so it is. but it is also widely used for the station IDs on the songs.
in this case a randomly selected sweepers.

Not sure if the use of playlist generator pro is a good idea.
For now just insert random sweepers and be great.
but in future it would be desirable to have different kinds of catagorias by examples, sweepers by artist or genre.

Here I attach a screenshot of my idea of ??implementation.
Songs that do not have intro points established, can not be played sweepers.
Always looking for a sweeper to be of size equal to or less than the intro of the song begins.
Never begins an intro before a song because it's longer. (as is the case voicetrack)

but any idea is welcome.
would be great if this can be implemented in RB 5.1! :D

Here is a tutorial which shows the operation of this in Jazler. (Minute 4:20)


  • Eg Jazler.png
    Eg Jazler.png
    505.3 KB · Views: 798
  • RB.png
    78.1 KB · Views: 800
Yes, s similar idea is already planned, and I also added your comment there. There's a good chance that this feature will be included in RB 5.1
Another important thing to add:
It is important that reproduce by Sweapers output Jingles.
So having a dedicated channel on the console for these.
nelson c said:
Another important thing to add:
It is important that reproduce by Sweapers output Jingles.
So having a dedicated channel on the console for these.
That would be possible as well.
yes i like the idea of adding exporting an html file from extra software ( eg weatherw ) for humidity and tempretaure as the time annoucement that gd implement could be for next X update version ? if possible
djsoft said:
nelson c said:
Is there any future plan to include support for the event start the streaming metadata (instead of DTMF tones).
the idea is to replace commercial without the audience hear any DTMF tone.
Maybe this will be included in the future - I need to think about it.

nelson c said:
Other companies have implemented ( HDX Radio3 example, there is a demo version), and while I do not think it is as reliable as DTMF tones is much more verbose, since the audience does not hear anything.
Audience doesn't care about those tones. 99.(9)% of listeners do not notice the tones at all. Also DTMF tones may help your station to sound more professional :)

nelson c said:
For when it plans to launch RB 5?
The development is started and I think beta version will be released in October.

How does DTMF tones work any idea is there a tutorial on this and explanation?
nelson c said:
Dmitry, some of these requests (the most important for me) was implemented in RB 5.1?  :)

1-Priroridades for songs (in playlist generator pro)

2-Ad stadium weather (temperature, humidity, rain), it is not necessary to seek data on the Internet, many have radios weather stations that provide us with this data in a txt. automatically emit it would be interesting.

3-Automatic ads over intro songs, that would be great, sounds very professional air. this week talking on facebook with @Diabolix told me the same, "it is a shame that the program still does not have this"

4- the problem with Sigue Editor to report

You don't need to seek the net for info on whether there is a program that outputs a text file like a log RB can read from that like Radio zara does and update every 5 minutes or 15 and says the weather every hour like a time announcement so yeah don't know what you mean by looking on the net for stuff when programs do this for you. Use Weather Watcher v6.0.6 it will output for you the weather all RB has to do is allow us to look for the logs. here is a link on this for more info