Question about event disconnect/connect



unfortunately I am forced to reconnect to the server every 24 hours (don't ask, it's because of my webradio-hoster, not my fault). I wanna do it in nighttime of course and planned an event for it. Before the forced disconnect I wanna play a short jingle (first one in the event as you see, Logo and Sounders).
Then it should disconnect and connect again and then the playlist should continue.
But the problem is that RB after that just plays the beginning of the playlist (here: track "Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs - Garden") instead of:

Rae Sremmurd - Black Beatles
planned event
continue playlist: The Hives - Main Offender



Is there a way to fix this? Am I missing something? Would be grateful for help. Thx.
Hi, in my opinion you have to create two separate events, taking into account the server delay. Try this but I don't know if it works.
Schedule the event for the jingle:
Go to Scheduler.
Create a new event and select the jingle file.
Set the time for the jingle at least 2 minutes before the disconnection to compensate for any delays.

Schedule the disconnection and reconnection:
Create another event to disconnect and reconnect the server.
This can be done using a command in the Action field of the event. Enter the following commands:

Set the time for this event at least 1 minute before the actual forced disconnection to compensate for delays.

These steps should ensure that the jingle is played, the connection is restored, and the playlist continues correctly from where it was interrupted, taking into account the webradio transmission delays.

Try this but I don't know if it works...
Hmm, no this doesnt work either. At first try it continued the playlist but didn't reconnect. Second try it reconnects but jumps right back to the start of the playlist. When I start the event the order of the commands is totally different than set, f.e.:

At the moment I don't have all the commands that can be entered, but it should at least execute them in sequence... let's see if the support has some simpler solutions. You could try with a batch file that is run by radioboss but that's a more difficult route to take.
But the problem is that RB after that just plays the beginning of the playlist (here: track "Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs - Garden") instead of:
Looks like you have figured this out to be because of the "Start playback after having connection to server" option. If you want to keep using this option, a possible solution would be to first play something (so that playlist has "Playing" state) and then connect - this will prevent this option from starting the playlist from the beginning.
"Start playback after having connection to server"
Thx Dmitry.
If you want to keep using this option, a possible solution would be to first play something (so that playlist has "Playing" state)
Hm, i've tried this with "Start playback after having connection to server" still enabled, it jumped again back to start of the playlist. Can you maybe specify your solution? :)

placeholder (jingle f.e.)
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Ok, but even without "wait" and "loadplaylist" the result is that RB jumps to start of the playlist, when I don't disable "Start playback after having connection to server".
This doesn't seem to reproduce here. If something is playing in the playlist, then the "Start playback after having connected to the server" option does nothing. It only starts playback when the playlist is stopped.