allow the user to choose when voice tracks are to be played


It would be great to add more flexibility to voice tracking, allowing users to specify whether a voice track should start as soon as possible or follow the current behavior, where RadioBOSS attempts to finish the voice track by the end of the intro.
One idea is to implement this change for each break based on a part of the file name, using a specific symbol or letter combination to instruct RadioBOSS.
For instance:
• Using "$b$" at the beginning of the file name could make the voice track play from the beginning of the space between the outro of track 1 and the intro of track 2.
• Using "$e$" at the beginning of the file name could make RadioBOSS back time the voice track as it currently does.
I've posted similar ideas in another thread, but I've put more thought into this because voice tracking has become a hot topic again.
I don't think changing the file names is a good idea. This will break any playlists, files, or events that reference this file. This is how radio automation worked in the past, where there were no good database or tags support, so that required changing of the file names to set up fading etc.

As for the voice tracks, what is the practical need to have some voice tracks playing closer to the Outro and some others closer to Intro?
As for the voice tracks, what is the practical need to have some voice tracks playing closer to the Outro and some others closer to Intro?
That is a fair question, and one I think you've partially answered in another thread. You had said that enough people had complained about voice tracks starting at the beginning of a long intro, and the solution was to make them start at the end. However, I've heard many dj's over the years who begin speaking as soon as possible, so both styles have there place. Just as we can have different types of fades for each file so as to create natural transitions, it makes sense for there to be a way to create differences with voice tracks. Yes, the segue editor can theoretically do this, but, accept for the bugs mentioned at, radioboss does a great job with placing and mixing audio. So it makes for more work on the part of the broadcaster to forego the use of automation in favor of trying to manually time the tracks.
I also wanted to ask if there's anyway to let the music bed play for a bit before the voice track kicks off. Currently you can assign music beds to voice tracks but there doesn't seem to be settings that control the behaviour of the voice track and it's bed.

A music bed, for example, might start with an elaborate intro (like a drum roll/fill, for example) before the main instrumental kicks in. Ideally, while I select this track as the music bed for my voice track, it would be nice if I could make the talking start after the introductory drum fill, rather than simultaneously, which would currently be the case. Maybe you could make it so that we can set a delay to the voice track in relation to its assigned bed, or maybe make it possible to add intro markers to the assigned music beds that would determine when we start to hear the presenter talking. The music bed would start playing at normal volume and it would duck once the talking begins.
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You had said that enough people had complained about voice tracks starting at the beginning of a long intro, and the solution was to make them start at the end.
There used to be an option for this, but it was removed years ago and no one complained for a long period of time. We'll see if we can bring this option back, so you can specify how a voice track needs to be aligned.
Currently you can assign music beds to voice tracks but there doesn't seem to be settings that control the behaviour of the voice track and it's bed.
The bed plays when a voice track plays. This is synchronized.

As for your request, I think you can do it as following: remove the drum part from the bed and insert it directly into the voice track.