Any way to speed up the generation of a playlist?


Active member
Any way to speed up the generation of a 1 hour long playlist? I have +9000 songs divided into folders and these folders are on a separate hard drive from the one where RB is installed. But why does it take so long to generate the playlist? I have made several combinations to reduce the time and the minimum is approximately 2 minutes. (it takes a long time when the generation is scheduled for a specific time, since with the scheduler a playlist must be generated every hour, but it takes a long time.)

I know that if I change to an SSD this improves, but I don't know how much it would improve.

I attach some screenshots>>>


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    Captura de pantalla 2024-02-13 134526.png
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    Captura de pantalla 2024-02-13 135455.png
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    Captura de pantalla 2024-02-13 153249.png
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Please check what option do you use for "Additional information storage", if it's the legacy "APEv2 Tag" then it can be a bottleneck, please consider switching to SQLite - this is the fastest one.

Also, what part of the generation takes much time, it it loading the categories, or is it the creating of the playlist itself?

Using the SSD drive will improve things a lot, Playlist Generator does lots of small read operations on the files, and seek times in SSD vs HDD differ by tens of times.
Please check what option do you use for "Additional information storage", if it's the legacy "APEv2 Tag" then it can be a bottleneck, please consider switching to SQLite - this is the fastest one.
Thanks, yes we already changed from APEv2 to SQlite

Now it takes about 50sec. in creating a playlist.

Now, the problem is that those 50s (they vary between more or less) that it takes to create and load the playlist with the "generate a playlist" or "create an event" command from the PLGen P. This is a bit annoying, since there is no information on how long the Playlist generated outside of PLGen is ready

Currently we use two commands, one to Generate a Playlist and another to Load into the player with a difference of 3 minutes between them.

Event: GEN PL 12:57
Event: LOAD PL 13:00 (we use these events every hour)

But we want to use a single command as the event that is created from the PLGen P "create event" command.

The negative thing about this is that it does not show how long it takes and sometimes it takes 1 minute or more, it varies a lot. It is problem when you want to use "Run now" command.

Could there be a way in the future to speed up the creation of PL or report the creation progress in the LOG? something similar to the bar that appears when a JINGLE is played?

Or is there any solution currently to reduce these problems?
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Currently we use two commands, one to Generate a Playlist and another to Load into the player with a difference of 3 minutes between them.
For now, this is the preferred way. If you know that creating a playlist takes about a minute, separating "generate" and "load" events by 3 minutes makes sense.

Could there be a way in the future to speed up the creation of PL or report the creation progress in the LOG? something similar to the bar that appears when a JINGLE is played?
Showing progress in the log will not speed up the process. We do have couple of ideas of speeding up the process, e.g. it can skip cache validation phase to load the categories faster. It can also use multiple cores to further speed up the loading process. But those are big changes, so it can only be done in the future beta version.

If you don't use SSD drive yet, you can start using it to get the speed benefits immediately.
For now, this is the preferred way. If you know that creating a playlist takes about a minute, separating "generate" and "load" events by 3 minutes makes sense.

Showing progress in the log will not speed up the process. We do have couple of ideas of speeding up the process, e.g. it can skip cache validation phase to load the categories faster. It can also use multiple cores to further speed up the loading process. But those are big changes, so it can only be done in the future beta version.

If you don't use SSD drive yet, you can start using it to get the speed benefits immediately.
Ok, thank you very much, I'll take that into account.
The advantage of when the progress is shown is to know when it is ready and to be able to load it. More than anything when used manually.

If it can be accelerated a lot in the future it would be wonderful.
Ok, thank you very much, I'll take that into account.
The advantage of when the progress is shown is to know when it is ready and to be able to load it. More than anything when used manually.
We'll consider it for the future versions.

If it can be accelerated a lot in the future it would be wonderful.
According to our tests here, SSD brings the most performance benefit. A test version of playlist generator that uses multiple cores to load categories only provided less than 10% performance improvement - not very much.