ARM support

I'm just wondering when we might see a version of Radioboss that is better optimized for ARM. I was able to install RB on my macbook in a virtual machine, but the experience has not been very smooth. If I leave the vm running, but go to a different app on the mac side of things, even though the sound device is not shared between the two, (you have to define which will use it), I had sound on Radioboss just cut out completely. The vm has 4 cores and only 4 gb ram. I've given it as much as VMWare will let me. Also, the included vbcable won't even install. I had a very important use for that on my Dell laptop, a bit of a work around to be able to use a certain piece of gear I really happen to like, the Zoom Podtrack P4, but in order to get all audio from radioboss plus my microphones in to other programs, I really need that vbcable, but I do understand that you all don't make that particular program, you just include it.
Anyway, having an ARM optimized version of the program might make things run a bit better.
In addition to the previously described problems, when I try to run anything else in the virtual machine, audio starts to buffer and drop really bad. This is discouraging, because in addition to audio streaming I also do multi-streams, where I broadcast both on radio and to social media, and as it stands right now, it just isn't stable enough. I know emulation in the next build of Windows for ARM is supposed to get even better, but it would be nice to not need an emulation layer at all. The absolute best thing would be to have a Radioboss version made completely for Mac OS, but from other threads I am aware this is not in the plans. But you should give serious consideration to making an ARM version available, not just for those of us running Windows on a mac via virtual machine, but also those using the new ARM laptops, like the new Surface devices and others. I think these will continue to grow in popularity.
I look forward to seeing this happen and giving the new ARM version a try. If you need anyone to help with testin I am more than happy to do so.
Currently there are no immediate plans on creating an ARM version, I'm sorry. Maybe a MAC OS version will be released at some point in the future, but when it's going to happen, I don't know, I'm sorry.
Please release a MAC OS version of RadioBoss!! Willing to pay extra just so I can ditch my Windows computers.
Adapting source code to be able to work on MacOS will cost a lot. Bot time and money. Sometime in the future we'll probably be releasing RadioBOSS for Mac. But I'm not sure if it'll be the same RadioBOSS, or a completely new project.