Aux Players And New Event Actions


New member
I have a few feature requests. Do you think you could add aux players in RadioBoss? Also do you think you could add can event action that will play a cart from the cart wall? Also do you think you could add an event action that will turn an event off and on?
1) What AUX players should do? Do you need the ability to play 2 or more playlist simultaneously?

2) Cart wall is designed for manual access... why do you need to play it automatically? You can schedule the same file in the scheduler.

3) There's an "Expiration time" which will delete a scheduler event from the list. Please give me a use case when this feature (on/off event) is needed.
1. Yes. I want the ability to play 2 tracks at the same time. For example, I have a phone call I recorded and I have a song with intro. I want to be able to play the phone call and then towards the end of the phone call I can start the song with the intro. Then they will overlap.

2. For this one I want an option where I can tell the HTTP Request what not to send. On our TuneIn page it shows a list of past songs and it has our jingles too. Could you add an option where we can tell the HTTP Request which artist or titles not to send.

3. On our station we air shows that are recorded. These shows are in large mp3 files that are 60 minutes long. All our jingles and top our hours and played through the scheduler. After the shows is done there is 7 jingles all in a row. I wan this action so when the show starts the jingles event and top of hour event will turn off. Then when the show is done the events will turn on. 
1. I think what could be done about it.

2. Yes, an option will be added for "File Types" - "Do not send track info for this type", and special tag field that will prevent sending info about this track. So I tihnk you won't need to use Cart wall to do it...

3. There was another request, and I think it will help in your situation - "Maximum time to wait in queue" for scheduler events.
Hay djsoft.
I am blind. In the event actions there is an action where you can add an event that will turn off Events at a certain time and then there is another action where it will turn them on again at a certain time. You have to click the pull down menu to get to it. I was clicking on the lighting bolt.
The lighting bolt is a Wizard, but there's no command in wizard to turn scheduler on and off.

A simpler solution is (not using wizard nor pull down list):
1) If you want to turn scheduler off: in the "filename" field enter the command: "scheduler off".
2) To turn it back on, enter "scheduler on"