Bi Weekly and Monthly Scheduling


New member
Would it be possible to have bi weekly and monthly scheduling options on Radio Boss ?

This would be something that would be great for my station.


Sure, I'd like the option to be able to set a show to play on say the second and fourth week of each month, and then set another show to play on the first and third.

I'd also like to be able to schedule shows to play once a month, so say a certain show to play on the 1st week of each month.

At the moment you can only do this kind of stuff with weekdays.

It's just something that would be really useful to me and would allow me to accept bi weekly and monthly shows as well as just weekly on my station.

I hope this makes sense ?

Thanks for explanation - it makes sense. The feature will be implemented in one of the future updates: I think the "Date" field will be extended, as it's already done for "Hours" where you'll be able to select the month days when event should start (I'm not sure how we should deal with varying number of days in different months, but I think some solution will come up).