commercials over website feeds


New member
would be great if when we have a website like pandora playing music if commercials or somthing in the scheduler would play above the air or fade out that feed and play a schedule item and go back to it once its finished. i somtimes play pandora through web browser in radioboss but i have to mute the web feed to run a schedule commercial or ad.
Please give more info on this. Do you retranslate Pandora stream?
For "Play above the air" events you may set the "Music volume", this will lower down the playlist volume while event is being played.
The fade time is set in the Settings->Playback->>Miscellaneous.
basically when i open up rboss i go to the tab section where cart machine and web is located when i open padora web page within radioboss and i play audio from there i want the event (ex commercials ) to fade out the pandora and when the event is finished it fades back into the the pandora feed as if it was a normal playlist. is a website that has a database with millions of songs from different artist all over the world and basically u can listen whatever you want by just typing the name of the artist no i work for a station that uses pandora instead of having a playlist so they always use the web browser feature in rboss to listen pandora but when the scheduled commercials come on its does cut the pandora audio so u hear 2 tings playing
Ahhh... I don't think it's possible. It is (tachnically) very hard to iteract with objects on web pages, such as players. I think you should find another way to play songs.