Crossfader settings

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I have a question about the crossfader settings.

When I set the crossfader at 5 seconds and the trigger mix at approx. -25db (or something else)
it doesn't work.

I presume that the trigger setting is for when the music from track A reaches the -25db track B will start playing.

With this setting even tracks that are above the -25db will be handled the same.

Some tracks have a long fade-out so that's why i set it on 5 seconds.
When the setting is on 0,5 seconds it works great, but only with tracks that don't have a lang fade-out.

I have attached a little picture about how I want it to work.

I hope that someone can help me with this.
I have tried the gap-killer on/off, replay-gain etc...
Maybe I have the wrong combinations of settings.

Thanks in advance.



  • crossfader RB.jpg
    crossfader RB.jpg
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This should work, in crossfade settings:
- Fade in: 0 seconds
- Mix point: 5 seconds, trigger at -25dB (see note below about levels)
- Fade out: 5 seconds, enable "Start fading out on mix"

In this case when mix is triggered, the track will continue playing for 5 seconds, fading out its volume towards zero.

Please note that RadioBOSS checks for peak level, not average. So perhaps triggering mix at "-25dB" will be a bit late (this is very quiet level when peaks are measured). If it doesn't work as desired, try higher level e.g. -17dB, -14dB to see how it performs.

Thanks for your answer.

However when I set fade out to 5 seconds every song is fading out, even the songs with an abrubt end.


I have set my crossfading at this moment like:

mixpoint:    1sec.

trigger mix at:  -50db.

It's not the best setting, but the music is allmost continuing without any silent spaces.

I will try this setting for a while and when it's really to my satisfaction, I won't change it anymore.

Thanks for now.


DJ MIKEYMIKE1975 said:
However when I set fade out to 5 seconds every song is fading out, even the songs with an abrubt end.
Can you please provide more information, what is abrupt end?

DJ MIKEYMIKE1975 said:
but the music is allmost continuing without any silent spaces.
Please make sure that you have turned on Gap Killer ("Remove gap between tracks") and its levels are correct:
It will remove silence from the beginning and end of tracks. Crossfade parameters are applied after the silence is removed - so only the real song is faded in/out or mixed.

The gap killer and trigger mix at settings depend on recording level of the tracks you have, so there's no universal settings. It's also a good idea to normalize music tracks (or scan and set ReplayGain tags).

Maybe I use the wrong word, however what I tried to say is in a picture attached.

I hope this is the information you can use.

Thanks in advance.



  • end of song.jpg
    end of song.jpg
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DJ MIKEYMIKE1975 said:
Maybe I use the wrong word, however what I tried to say is in a picture attached.
The fade out should always be "Normal" (as on your picture). Please check crossfade settings, it appears that either you use custom file type with fade out set to zero, or you have the "Start fading out on mix" option set, but the mixing itself starts at the very end of the song, and therefore there's no fade out.
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