different profiles of radio boss


what would be nice for radio boss would be different profiles , best way to explain would be, if I preset say my jingles /drops to portrait say "rock Music" but then my next set would be say "funk it would be great if I could open different  profiles of radio boss that to tailored to my needs, this would include any VST's even my music library to portrait the genre that I am dealing with. this would save work of having to keep changing jingles presets and vst's and all the other stuff.

mikenico said:
what would be nice for radio boss would be different profiles , best way to explain would be, if I preset say my jingles /drops to portrait say "rock Music" but then my next set would be say "funk it would be great if I could open different  profiles of radio boss that to tailored to my needs, this would include any VST's even my music library to portrait the genre that I am dealing with. this would save work of having to keep changing jingles presets and vst's and all the other stuff.
If the profiles are completely different, then probably having a second RadioBOSS installation is a good solution.