Feature request, more jingles

Would it be possible for us to have more jingles? What comes to mind, after we fill out all the spots from 1 to 0, let us assign even more to alt + 1, alt +2, etc, then ctrl +1, ctrl +2, etc, then maybe even shift +1, shift +2, etc. That would give us a lot of assignable slots, if we don't have enough with just 1 to 0. Hope this makes sense.
i use the additional workzone for Jingles with several Cardwall (see Picture)
I am totally blind, so can't see the pic, and also from what I understand, the cart wall still doesn't work with screen readers, so that limits us to the jingles we can define with 1 through 0. If we could have access to more, that would be just as good as having a cart wall.
We don't plan on extending the jingles section, as there's cart wall that offers lots of options (and hot keys). We'll make it accessible in one of the future updates, I'm sorry that it's not accessible yet. It uses custom controls that are harder to make accessible.
I am totally blind, so can't see the pic, and also from what I understand, the cart wall still doesn't work with screen readers, so that limits us to the jingles we can define with 1 through 0. If we could have access to more, that would be just as good as having a cart wall.
I am also blind and am having a similar experience. However, I am noticing that, over time, more and more edit fields have labels that narrator and NVDA can read. These are screen reading applications that convert text to speech.
I am also blind and am having a similar experience. However, I am noticing that, over time, more and more edit fields have labels that narrator and NVDA can read. These are screen reading applications that convert text to speech.
Agreed. In the few years I've been using Radioboss, it has gotten a lot better.