Help! Unable to use VST and DSP plugin


Good evening;
this problem happens to me when I select one of the VST or DSP plugins in the window and then click on + (add). None of the DSP and VST plugins are working from the previous version of RadioBoss, while they only work "equalizer" and "compressor". On other computers where RadioBoss is configured this error does not occur, but it is still impossible to open the plugins. I use RadioBoss on a computer with Windows 10. How to solve?  ???


  • Cattura.JPG
    215.3 KB · Views: 511
It appears that a plugin requires Visual Studio runtime and it's not present in the system. From the error message it's not possible to tell which one it requires, so you can either install all of them (there are plenty), or reinstall the plugin or contact its author to determine on what runtime it depends.