How do I make the sound of my computer heard through RB


New member
How do I make the sound of my computer heard through RB.
for example I want to go to youtube to give play to a song and that this one is heard by the radioboss.
or I give play to a song of my spotify and that it is heard through the RB
I have the radioboss advanced
I hope you understand my problem. i do not speak english use translator
RadioBOSS does not capture sound that is playing. If you want to broadcast what is playing on the computer, you should consider using RadioCaster:
djsoft said:
RadioBOSS does not capture sound that is playing. If you want to broadcast what is playing on the computer, you should consider using RadioCaster:
If you want sound from some other program routed to RadioBOSS, you may consider using virtual sound cards: