How to set up TTS in RadioBOSS to announce the currently playing song?


New member
Hello everyone,

I'm using RadioBOSS Advanced, and I want to set up Text-to-Speech (TTS) to automatically announce the currently playing song (artist and title). I tried using the following command:
say "$artist$ - $title$"
say "$nowplaying$"

but instead of reading the actual song title, TTS just says "dollar artist dollar title" out loud.

✅ What works:

  • say "The current time is %H:%M" successfully announces the time.
  • message "$artist$ - $title$" in the scheduler correctly displays the song title on the screen.
❌ What doesn’t work:

  • TTS does not recognize variables ($artist$, $title$) and does not announce the song title.
  • say "$nowplaying$" also doesn't work.
I have enabled Metadata Update in the settings and even tried adding a delay (wait 2), but nothing helps.

Does anyone know how to make TTS in RadioBOSS properly read the song title? Thanks in advance!
Hello everyone,

I'm using RadioBOSS Advanced, and I want to set up Text-to-Speech (TTS) to automatically announce the currently playing song (artist and title). I tried using the following command:
say "$artist$ - $title$"
say "$nowplaying$"

but instead of reading the actual song title, TTS just says "dollar artist dollar title" out loud.

✅ What works:

  • say "The current time is %H:%M" successfully announces the time.
  • message "$artist$ - $title$" in the scheduler correctly displays the song title on the screen.
❌ What doesn’t work:

  • TTS does not recognize variables ($artist$, $title$) and does not announce the song title.
  • say "$nowplaying$" also doesn't work.
I have enabled Metadata Update in the settings and even tried adding a delay (wait 2), but nothing helps.

Does anyone know how to make TTS in RadioBOSS properly read the song title? Thanks in advance!
I already created an external application to do this.
Can also announce time, news, weather etc.
Need some more job for customization to every users setup and needs.
Still is a private experimental project but works fine.
I already created an external application to do this.
Can also announce time, news, weather etc.
Need some more job for customization to every users setup and needs.
Still is a private experimental project but works fine.
The forum is also meant for sharing solutions, so if you'd like, you can post your application here! It sounds like a great tool, especially with the ability to announce time, news, weather, etc. Even if it's still an experimental private project, others might find it useful or be able to contribute ideas for customization. Looking forward to hearing more about it! Thanks!