Login win10 external desktop

Kevin H

Dear users,

When I log in via Windows Remote Desktop, radio boss crashes.

External ones such as teamviewer are limited and the pro version is very expensive.

anyone have a better solution?

Kind regards,

When I log in via Windows Remote Desktop, radio boss crashes.
This is not typical. We have lots of installations that are accessed via RDP with no problem. Please click Help, Contact support, Send bug reports. We'll see what's wrong there. Please also ensure that you use the most recent version.
Ich nutze Anydesk ok nach 1 oder 1 1/2 stunden wirst ausgelogt aber kannst sofort wieder einloggen, hab damit kein problem
I Use Anydesk, ok after 1 or 1 1/2 hours you will be logged out but you can log in again immediately, I have no problem with that
I now stream from one PC to another. a lot of internet capacity. I know Anydesk, but it works better via Windows desktop if possible.
Bug send yesterday
From the yesterday's bug reports, none were using the latest version (we don't know who sends what bug reports because they are anonymous). If you're not using the latest RadioBOSS version, please update.
i expierienced no problems using Radioboss over RDP. Even with the NVDA Screenreader, wich drives my Braille Display, no Problems. Maybe you should check the connection or the restrictions of your server. I use Windows Server 2019 on a VServer, works excellent.