Music Library - makelibrary


New member
I have RadioBOSS on eight computers that share a large music library over my network.

To keep the music library up to date on each PC I run the makelibrary command as a scheduled task.
What I have found is that when each computer runs the scheduled task all the audio files are modified and updated (I have 10k audio files).
This means each audio file is updated/modified 8 times when the makelibrary task runs on each computer.

Is there a way to stop RadioBOSS modifying the files or is these another way around this while keeping the music library updated on each RadioBOSS PC?

What I have found is that when each computer runs the scheduled task all the audio files are modified and updated (I have 10k audio files).
This means each audio file is updated/modified 8 times when the makelibrary task runs on each computer.
If they all use the same library, it'll be enough to run this only once.
To avoid changing the files, please consider using database (SQLite or MySQL, in your case MySQL would be better for concurrent access) instead of APEv2 tag:

When you use a database, updates to the library made on one computer will be immediately seen by other computers too.
Thanks very much for your help, I was using the APEv2 tag but have switched over to using "File".
I still have noticed that each .mp3.rbdata is modified on each scan on each PC but it's acceptable given the files are so small and how much quicker it is.

Thanks very much.
I still have noticed that each .mp3.rbdata is modified on each scan on each PC but it's acceptable given the files are so small and how much quicker it is.
Yes, each update will write the additional information, but at least the File option leaves audio files unmodified.
Thats not helpful the as it won't update file tags if they are only updated in SQL, I understand its faster but would in that case it would need be a background talk?
Thats not helpful the as it won't update file tags if they are only updated in SQL, I understand its faster but would in that case it would need be a background talk?
If it needs to update file tag (artist, title etc) it will be written both to a file and to DB. But when additional (RadioBOSS-specific info, like playcount, last played, needs to be written, it'll be written only to a database without touching the file).