Mystery Ad Schedule Running


New member
Okay, this was totally me somehow, but I don't know how to fix it.

Right, wrong or indifferent, when I set up RadioBOSS, I set it up to run ad schedules for each jock's timeslot. (Hindsight, I probably should've just done one for daytime, one nighttime, one weekend -- not sure what everyone else does?)

Anyway, I'd originally setup the midday schedule with blocks that begin at 9AM, right after our morning drive show, then go until our afternoon drive guy comes in at 3:00PM.

Somewhere along the way, I setup a second Midday schedule using a Pink background and under the group "Midday Ads" ... I don't know why I did this. I did want our midday girl's ads to be pink so they're easily seen in the schedule if she's running manual mode, but why I created a separate group for midday ads versus the rest being under Ad Scheduler, is beyond me. I must've been drunk or something.

The problem is that I must've deleted the original group, or maybe I just changed that group's name and colors, but for some reason, everyday when it does the Ad Scheduler Update, it creates schedules for the same time block under both groups - the pink and the white. This means that every hour at :22 and :44, we're launching two sets of ads over to the playlist!

For the life of me, I can't figure out how to fix this! If I double-click an entry in the white background ones, (in the "Ad Scheduler" group with the rest of the ad blocks, it opens the Ad scheduler window for the same group that appears when I double-click the pink ones under the separate group heading. It's also updating with the same ads - If I replace an ad in the pink group, that same new ad automatically replaces in the white group.

For now, I'll hi-light the white ad group entries in the schedule and delete them each day so that it doesn't run them. (I've tried disabling that group and each one individually - I've tried deleting the event in the scheduler itself, which turned out to be a costly mistake ... I've tried everything to get rid of it, to no avail).

Any ideas how the heck I can get rid of the duplicates? I'm lost!

Thanks in advance for any help on this!
I should also mention that there's only one schedule that appears in the "LOAD SCHEDULE" inside of the Ad Scheduler. If I go to load schedule, there's only one listing for "Midday Ads," not two, but it's launching under both groups and playing ads for both as though they're two different things. Maybe if I change the pink ones group back to Ad Scheduler group it would only do the one on updates? It just occurred to me that I haven't yet tried that.
I should also mention that there's only one schedule that appears in the "LOAD SCHEDULE" inside of the Ad Scheduler. If I go to load schedule, there's only one listing for "Midday Ads," not two, but it's launching under both groups and playing ads for both as though they're two different things. Maybe if I change the pink ones group back to Ad Scheduler group it would only do the one on updates? It just occurred to me that I haven't yet tried that.
I tried the above and that didn't work. I removed the "Groups" setting on the event scheduler and it remains in the same place, updating the ads in the Midday Group and the section without a group where the rest of the ads are.

Is there a way to delete an ad Group?
The problem is that I must've deleted the original group, or maybe I just changed that group's name and colors, but for some reason, everyday when it does the Ad Scheduler Update, it creates schedules for the same time block under both groups - the pink and the white. This means that every hour at :22 and :44, we're launching two sets of ads over to the playlist!
The events that are created by Ads Scheduler are managed automatically. When you update ads, it simply removed old events and creates new ones. But if you changed the groups of the generated events, they are no longer identified as automatically managed events, and will not be removed on the update. When you update ads, the old events will not be removed, and new events are added - resulting in duplicate ads events.

To fix it, please remove all ads events from the scheduled events list, then update ads.
The events that are created by Ads Scheduler are managed automatically. When you update ads, it simply removed old events and creates new ones. But if you changed the groups of the generated events, they are no longer identified as automatically managed events, and will not be removed on the update. When you update ads, the old events will not be removed, and new events are added - resulting in duplicate ads events.

To fix it, please remove all ads events from the scheduled events list, then update ads.
Okay, maybe I misunderstood what you meant here. I went into the Scheduled Events List, Selected all Ad Events, including the Daily Ad Schedule Update, these mystery duplicated ads and all of the timeslot Commercial Ad events for all 7 days and I deleted them. (Something like 426 events).

But, when I went back to change the Advertising Scheduler to add a new advertiser this morning and clicked the "Create Playlists and Events" button, it again created all 426 new events in the Scheduled Events window, including these that I don't want. Apparently these are somehow stuck in the Events Scheduler and I don't know how to get them out.

I'm assuming that I self-taught myself incorrectly when learning to use this software. Can you tell from my description what I'm doing wrong? When manually updating ads through the Ad Scheduler, I'm supposed to click the "Create Playlists and Events" button each time before loading and updating the next Profile, correct?
it again created all 426 new events in the Scheduled Events window
It means that you have 426 ad blocks, and it creates events for all of them. Please open settings in Ads Scheduler and ensure that "Generate playlists for empty blocks" is turned off - this should lower the number of ad blocks.

When manually updating ads through the Ad Scheduler, I'm supposed to click the "Create Playlists and Events" button each time before loading and updating the next Profile, correct?
The "Create Playlists and Events" feature processes all profiles, there's no need to switch to each profile and update.
It means that you have 426 ad blocks, and it creates events for all of them. Please open settings in Ads Scheduler and ensure that "Generate playlists for empty blocks" is turned off - this should lower the number of ad blocks.

The "Create Playlists and Events" feature processes all profiles, there's no need to switch to each profile and update.
Okay, I just checked that and "Generate Playlists for empty blocks" is unchecked. We're running ad breaks at :22 and :42 each hour, plus I've got the Headline news updates 3 X per day scheduled and maybe a couple of other things. I guess the number of ad blocks add up quickly.
That didn't seem to fix the issue of those duplicates showing up, obviously, since I didn't change anything. I'll try to remove the separate category for that one as that seems to be duplicating the same blocks during the midday. It'll duplicate all commercials, weather, etc. that is within in the ad blocks and plays everything twice.
That didn't do the trick, either. It just removed it from a separate group, but it's still duplicating the breaks - one under "Midday" and one without a specific header. One is pink, the other white. No additional Profiles show up in my list when I'm in ad scheduler and try to load a new profile.

I keep going through and deleting the white background 9:22 through 2:42 breaks from the scheduler window each time the ad scheduler update is done to avoid back-to-back commercial playing.

Is there somewhere that the Ad Scheduler update, where it creates ads and events, might show me a list of what those processes are so that I can delete the duplicate from the list?


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I was thinking I may delete the ad scheduler event and then re-do it, but I don't think that'll work because it does it if I manually run an update to schedules. I'm perplexed.
I don't think those are duplicates - it looks like you have two (or more) profiles in Ads Scheduler, and as events are added from each profile, you have a lot in the result. I think you should check configuration of the each profile you have. Probably remove the profiles you don't need.