(N.) Track Tool [NEW REQUEST]


New member
I think it's a common request also from other users:
Track Tool is a great tool, the possibility to have the waveform of the song helps in the search of the "musical beat" to mark intro, outro, voice etc ...
The most uncomfortable part in my opinion is to zoom inside the track. The operation is very slow (and speed up this operation I think it is essential to be able to set many audio tracks).
The zoom tool inside the track should work the same way as it works in Audition CC, the zoom + / - should work with the mouse scrool without pressing the key combination (ctrl + scroll) thing that already does it now, only that zoom it must be:

  1. faster

  2. It should enlarge to the center of where the mouse is pointing and not always zoom in from the beginning and then move the bar down.

  3. I would suggest adding keyboard commands to the SET of track points
S = start
I = intro
O = outro
E = End
Pag Up = Fade In
M = Mix
Page Down = Fade Out
INS = Voice Ins
HOME = Hook In
END = Hook Out

DELETE = delete selected pointer (set 0.00)

4. Insert a VU METER to manually adjust the track volume


  • 222.png
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NICKY G DJ said:
The most uncomfortable part in my opinion is to zoom inside the track. The operation is very slow (and speed up this operation I think it is essential to be able to set many audio tracks).
We'll try to make it faster, thank you for pointing out this issue. The speed depends on computer CPU speed and window (waveform) size.

NICKY G DJ said:
The zoom tool inside the track should work the same way as it works in Audition CC, the zoom + / - should work with the mouse scrool without pressing the key combination (ctrl + scroll) thing that already does it now, only that zoom it must be:
I'm not sure about why it requires Ctrl key to be pressed - I'll see if that could be removed in the future updates.
Currently zoom is focused on cursor pos on a waveform.

NICKY G DJ said:
 3. I would suggest adding keyboard commands to the SET of track points
This is a good idea, hot keys will be added on one of the next updates.

NICKY G DJ said:
4. Insert a VU METER to manually adjust the track volume
Currently it shows 0dB level as two horizontal lines around the waveform.
djsoft said:
NICKY G DJ said:
The most uncomfortable part in my opinion is to zoom inside the track. The operation is very slow (and speed up this operation I think it is essential to be able to set many audio tracks).
We'll try to make it faster, thank you for pointing out this issue. The speed depends on computer CPU speed and window (waveform) size.

Surely the speed of the zoom is represented by the size of the window (full screen is slower than a smaller window, but the standard use I think it's full screen no ??

It certainly does not depend on the speed of the PC !!! Currently my tests are performed on a PC performing graphics (CPU i7 4GHZ, 32GB RAM, SSD M.2, 4GB GPU) and however it is slow zooming.

NICKY G DJ said:
The zoom tool inside the track should work the same way as it works in Audition CC, the zoom + / - should work with the mouse scrool without pressing the key combination (ctrl + scroll) thing that already does it now, only that zoom it must be:
I'm not sure about why it requires Ctrl key to be pressed - I'll see if that could be removed in the future updates.
Currently zoom is focused on cursor pos on a waveform.

no I tried but the zoom always starts from the beginning of the track on the left even if the cursor position is at the end.

I think the best choice is to zoom to the vent where you point the mouse (as all the audio editing software do)

A higher degree of zoom would also be useful to be more precise than the setting

NICKY G DJ said:
3. I would suggest adding keyboard commands to the SET of track points
This is a good idea, hot keys will be added on one of the next updates.

NICKY G DJ said:
4. Insert a VU METER to manually adjust the track volume
Currently it shows 0dB level as two horizontal lines around the waveform.
a VU Meter would also be useful.
NICKY G DJ said:
Surely the speed of the zoom is represented by the size of the window (full screen is slower than a smaller window, but the standard use I think it's full screen no ??
Track Tool is not supposed be be used at full screen by default, especially on larger screens like 27". But we'll make some performance improvements to make full screen usage convenient.

NICKY G DJ said:
I think the best choice is to zoom to the vent where you point the mouse (as all the audio editing software do)
Most user requests were to zoom around cursor. I'll add this to improvements queue, we'll do something about it. E.g. if cursor is not visible, zoom around mouse.

NICKY G DJ said:
a VU Meter would also be useful.
Yes, it could - this may be added in the future versions.
NICKY G DJ said:
I think the best choice is to zoom to the vent where you point the mouse (as all the audio editing software do)
Most user requests were to zoom around cursor. I'll add this to improvements queue, we'll do something about it. E.g. if cursor is not visible, zoom around mouse.

yes my Monitor is a 27 "(1920x1080)
I think that being able to bet the various sets of points (intro, outro etc.), in the fastest and most precise way is the basis of perfect mix in RB!

I think it's right to enlarge in standard mode where the mouse points, or by clicking on the place point marker, take that point as a reference. example I click on the intro the zoom starts from there.


here's how it should be the zoom of the track tools ...

find the video here, it was too big to post it:

This doesn't look very good. You have a cursor set to 2:20, then you zoom and cursor is out of view. This way it worked before and there were complains about it.