Please integrate NDI into RadioBoss


New member
We already know that video is not your priority, but it is the priority of many of us (your clients).
Please, I request that you consider adding the NDI plugin to RadioBoss in order to receive the video signal in obs or vmix. Today most of the radios are visual, there are almost no sound-only radios anymore. If they managed to implement NDI, the sales of this software would rise much more. Many people are looking for software like radioboss (because of its easy programming) but that can integrate video.
Greetings and thank you very much

Ya sabemos que el video no es la prioridad de ustedes, pero si es la prioridad de muchos de nosotros (sus clientes)
Por favor le solicito que tengan en cuenta agregar el complemento NDI a RadioBoss para poder recibir la señal de video en obs o vmix. Hoy la mayoría de las radios son visuales, ya casi no existen radios de solo sonido. Si lograran implementar NDI las ventas de este software se elevarían mucho mas. Mucha gente está buscando un software como es radioboss (por su fácil programación) pero que pueda integrar video.
Saludos y muchas gracias
It's been a long time and they haven't been able to add the NDI please. We have been waiting for a long time.

When gentlemen we want this function. We are going to wait for it until it comes out. We trust in you that you are going to implement it.

We have NDI on our to-do list for the future versions.