Problems with Restore Database


Good evening, wanting to create a "cloned" PC the same as the one where I use RadioBoss, I copied the backup files previously made from the RadioBoss PC to the second computer (Settings Backup and Database Backup). The "Restore settings from a backup" function seems to have been successful, as all the programmed events and settings appeared on the pc, while the "Restore Database" function returned the wording as in the image. In fact, I noticed that almost all the tags related to "Voice Ins" are missing, where I recorded the release year of the songs on the air.
How to solve?


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If so, things get complicated. The strange thing is that with the database restore all the tags related to Start", "Mix", Fadeout" "End" appeared, while only the tags mentioned above disappeared.
You can try the following: in RadioBOSS click Settings, Open Settings Folder. Close RadioBOSS.

In the folder opened, go one level up. You will see "Tracks.db" file there. Create a copy of it, just in case. Open backup .zip file, and copy Track.db file from there to the folder that you have open.

Start RadioBOSS, and you should see that database is restored. Basically, whole database is stored in a single Tracks.db file, and if automatic restore doesn't work it can be restored manually.
I'm sorry, I think it's my fault! Regarding the tags, I don't use the "MySql" or "SqLite" database, but the "File Tag" option, which writes the metadata directly inside the mp3 file and not externally. I realized that many of the "offending" mp3 files have been modified in RadioBoss' pc without then being "overwritten" in the "twin" computer, which obviously, not being present, cannot recognize them. Replace everything and it should work fine. Thank you