Radioboss Random playlist


New member
I have just a simple playlist that plays random. Every 11 minutes there is a jingle inserted via events. But after the jingle the next song is not random but the same artist as before (or next letter in the alfabet,thats oké). is there a solution to make it random after a jingle ? Best regards.


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You have "Shuffle playlist before inserting" enabled, so there's no need to also enable "Shuffle playback" mode for the playlist window - you should make it play tracks in order, as the playlist is already shuffled.
Dmitry Thanks for reply. If i uncheck the shuffle play in the playlist window things get worse, then there is nothing random. I want complete random also when inserting a jingle. best regards.
Dmitry Thanks for reply. If i uncheck the shuffle play in the playlist window things get worse, then there is nothing random. I want complete random also when inserting a jingle. best regards.
When you insert the music playlist via scheduled event, you should also check the "Shuffle the playlist before inserting" option. Still, there are better ways to create shuffled playlists:
Thank you Dmitry. Shuffle the playlist before inserting works great. enough for me for now, i am going to study the other options to.