Radioboss encoder disconnects



I seem to to have occasions where when a new event is started (not adverts) the encoders disconnects and then automatically reconnects. the error is typically [WS] Warning ! Title update failed (Output x) then followed by 'Server connection closed (output x).

I also get [E40] Cannot start broadcasting (output x) Error 40 network timeout. occasionally as well

I have three encoder. two are on one server the other is on a separate location different server.

sometimes both encoders on the same server drop, the other remains, sometimes its the other that fails

I have been monitoring this a few weeks, setup network monitoring to detect if it packet drops/network disconnects/network latency on the host server is the culprit. I also have router logs capturing the same information across the whole environment but nothing picked up on the same network, I have another (brand) encoder streaming to another media server in the same network environment and not seeing the same errors.

Is this a expected behaviour from the built in broadcaster on Radioboss?


  • disconnects.PNG
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It is not an expected behavior. Starting events does not affect streaming, at least not directly. It appears that a title causes server to drop a connection for some reason, like a title has some unsupported character. I suggest to check server logs to find our the reason for disconnects.
That would help but difficult to obtain from the streaming company. Happened twice today during DJ changeover and is a nuisance as it disconnects listeners. I am already getting complaints from listeners about frequent disconnects since moving to RB!
It's the server that's performing the disconnect and only your streaming provider can tell you why this happens. RadioBOSS here just states the fact that it happened.
Since I have migrated to a core i7 8700 with 16GB (4 core) Virtual Machine, it seems to behave better during DJ changeover. Might possibly be a overall host performance issue.
It still appears to be an issue with the server, and reliable solution is only possible after inspecting server logs. One of the possible reasons, given that faster computer improved things, is that server has low source timeout - e.g. if you don't send data for a certain period of time, it will disconnect.

You can try enabling the "Output silence when nothing is playing" option in Settinggs->Playback, it will make it always send something to the server thus avoiding disconnects for the reason mentioned above.
Did you manage to solve your problem? I'm going through the same situation ... I've tried everything I read here on the forum and I couldn't get to the root of the problem :-(