RadioCaster - Error 40

La Cle

New member
(Traduction Google translate)
??? >:(

Since Tuesday, Radio Caster no longer broadcasts on the Internet. My URL "" says that it is connected but impossible to operate. An error message: Unable to start the broadcast (output 1) Error 40. I deleted my firewall and even all my antivirus but it does not change anything.

I wrote to the support department who answered me this:
"Hello The Waves Key,
It seems that some RadioCaster files are missing. Please reinstall RadioCaster to resolve this issue. "

I re-install RadioCaster. I had to pay for an update. But it still does not work. I wrote again to the support department but no answer. I bought a new license for RadioCaster. But it still does not work. These are 50 euros that I spent for nothing at the moment and my French radio can not broadcast on the internet anymore.
There is time lost, but also my absence on the Internet has a lot of impact on my work.
I hope that you can help me find my connection on the Internet and that you will normally make a refund of these unnecessary purchases.

Thanks in advance.
Yours truly
Xavier for La Cl? des Ondes radio


Depuis mardi, Radio Caster ne diffuse plus sur Internet. Mon URL "" dit qu'il est connect? mais impossible de le faire fonctionner. Un message d'erreur : Cannot start broadcasting (output 1) Error 40. J'ai supprim? mon pare-feu et m?me tout mon antivirus mais ?a ne change rien.

J'ai ?crit au service support qui m'a r?pondu ceci :
"Hello La Cle Des Ondes,
It appears that some RadioCaster files are missing. Please re-install RadioCaster to fix this problem."

J'ai r?-installer RadioCaster. J'ai d? payer une mise ? jour. Mais ?a ne marche toujours pas. J'ai ? nouveau ?crit au service support mais plus de r?ponse. J'ai achet? une nouvelle licence pour RadioCaster. Mais ?a ne marche toujours pas. Ce sont 50 euros que j'ai d?pens? pour rien pour le moment et ma radio fran?aise ne peut plus ?mettre sur internet.
Il y a du temps perdu, mais aussi mon absence sur Internet impacte beaucoup mon travail.
J'esp?re que vous pourrez m'aider ? retrouver ma connexion sur Internet et que vous proc?d?rez ? un remboursement de ces achats inutiles.

D'avance, merci.
Bien ? vous
Xavier pour la radio La Cl? des Ondes
La Cle said:
Unable to start the broadcast (output 1) Error 40. I deleted my firewall and even all my antivirus but it does not change anything.
The error means that the server did not respond within an allowed timeout (60 seconds). Please understand that RadioCaster in this case only states the fact that the server is unreachable. But it does not cause it, it only lets you know that there's something wrong.

There are multiple issues on why the connection can't be made:
- The server is not working or it's blocking you for some reason
- You have an antivirus or filewall that does not allow the connection
- Your internet provider does not allow the connection
- Some other software installed on your computer prevents the connection

La Cle said:
It seems that some RadioCaster files are missing. Please reinstall RadioCaster to resolve this issue. "
I reviewed this support ticket and there was a different problem, and different error message. As you said, there was a power cut, and some RadioCaster went missing. After reinstalling, RadioCaster was fixed, but it's very possible that some other files (not from RadioCaster) went missing as well and your computer does not operate properly.