Radiologger request


New member

Most of our programs start on the hour. Currently, if you set 'Split records into segments', the segments start at the time the machine/Radiologger starts. Would it be possible to synchronize the segments to start on the hour?

For example, if you have 1 hour segments but the machine starts at 5:50AM, then each segment starts at 50 minutes past the hour. It would be much easier to separate program recordings if at the next hour they started recording a new hourly segment. (or 30 or 15 minute segments, if set that way) Currently we are using a competitors program that does this, but are looking for a change as it has stability issues and hasn't been updated in a long time. We bought Radiologger as part of the bundle so we could give it a long term trial and are very happy with it's stability but our radio presenters aren't so happy with the extra work editing the recordings to separate their shows.

Robert Voice
Mansfield Community Radio - Australia
It should split at the start of each hour by default. Eg if you started it @ 5.50AM, the first record will be 10 minutes, then it will start a new portion @ 6.00AM and record whole hour till 7.00AM, at 7 it will start a new record and so on.

Are you using the latest version of software? If yes, please post a screenshot of the Settings window.

If there's an error it will be fixed shortly.
Thanks Dmitry,

I checked and found it wasn't the latest version. (It was the version in the avangate link from 3 days ago) Upgraded and now works as described. Well done!

Robert Voice
Mansfield Community Radio - Australia
