RB automatic musical databases update


New member

  Maybe I missed something but I could not find a way to automaticaly (by a scheduled task for instance) update musical databases. I use databases where I have a large number of files to speed up playlist pro generation.
Is there a way to automaticaly request that once a day the databases are being updated by rescanning directories to include new tracks and remove entries of missing files.

In Playlist Generator Pro you can use folder as tracks source. It will scan folders before every playlist generation - it will take some time, but you won't need to update the database files. This is useful if folder contents changed frequently. You definitely should try it.

Now there's no automatic base update, it will be included in the future.

  I am already using the "folder" option in PlGenPro, but with folders containing hundreds of files it takes too long.

It is that long, that becomes unusable?

The command to update music library files by scheduler will be added in the next release - RadioBOSS 4.6.4.