Remote Voice Tracking

Jörg B

Hallo, I produze a Radio-Show for 5 times a week for 2 hours. I do that with voicetracking. So far, it works well but i have to do a big work arround to play the whole VT-Show on my remote Server where radioboss runs as a 24-7 Automation. First i created simular directories and synchroniced them and then, i upload all Elements inclusive playlist. But it takes very much time to do so. So i want to ask again, when Remote Voice Tracking will be rolled out? I am very satisfied with radioboss but this feature is really missing!!!
The next Update 7.0 Beta is out but i can find no remote voicetracking feature. When will it be implemented? It's really needed at our Station. In the other Issues i am very pleased with radioboss so that i really don't want to change my automation to Stationplaylist. But ther is the prommise for that feature.
The next Update 7.0 Beta is out but i can find no remote voicetracking feature. When will it be implemented? It's really needed at our Station. In the other Issues i am very pleased with radioboss so that i really don't want to change my automation to Stationplaylist. But ther is the prommise for that feature.
I'm sorry this feature wasn't complete and we had to release 7.0 as is. It's partially ready but not in state that it can be released. Maybe we'll make it available as a separate module also.
Hallo, i am still looking for a remote VT Feature. It is needed really urgently. It costs lots of time to upload the show on a server without that feature. I would agree to have the Remote VT as an aditional module. Some Others, like StationPlaylist do so. I would pay for it but it would be nice to have this in nearest future.
We're working on it and it should be released this year, either as a separate module, or maybe even a new, more expensive RadioBOSS edition will be introduced.
I am impatiently waiting for this feature (even paid).
I considered changing broadcasting software (and yet I love Radioboss).
I will wait and watch for updates to the site.
Well done and thank you
"Alright, when can we expect the next major update? It really takes a lot of time in production every time. I always have a workaround. I synchronize the two directories on the Windows server, where the automation runs, with my own directory, so that I get a kind of remote voice tracking. However, this is very cumbersome and comes with many issues. I’m also willing to pay extra for the remote module, as I understand how complex it can be to program something as intricate as radio automation software. I’m grateful that Radioboss exists and at such a more than fair price."

We plan to add the remove voice tracking module in the upcoming RadioBOSS 7.1 update, it will first be released as a beta version.
Überlegt zum Remote Voicetracking in Radioboss für 14 Sekunden
I would like to urgently remind you once again about remote voice tracking—even if it risks being annoying. For years, while using Radioboss, it has been a huge problem for us to complete our shows with minimal effort. As a result, we had to discontinue our morning show. Radioboss is truly excellent software, and above all, we appreciate its strong emphasis on accessibility. Our only problem is that remote voice tracking does not work. Other software such as ProppfrexX Onair, MAirlist, and Station Playlist support these functions. In our setup, the program runs automatically on a dedicated Windows server, and every time we finish a show via voice tracking, the show—with all its elements and the playlist—must be uploaded, or at the very least the playlist must be updated with the voice tracks and then both the voice tracks and the modified playlist have to be uploaded manually. I do have a workaround using a network drive so that I no longer have to upload the files; however, this is no substitute for remote voice tracking. Once the playlist is loaded, unless I reload a playlist that has been modified on the server during the show, I cannot add any more voice tracks. This forces me to have everything finished before the show begins, which takes even longer. Therefore, I must once again stress the importance of this feature. We do not want to switch software because we highly appreciate Radioboss, and otherwise the entire automation would have to be rebuilt from scratch. Furthermore, due to the lack of accessibility, our only alternative would be Station Playlist—and we consider Radioboss to be much more effective in its approach than Station Playlist, so switching is absolutely out of the question. Thus, a loyal customer who truly wishes to remain with your product is once again asking for a swift implementation of this feature.
