Scheduled playlists are not loading


New member
I updated the software to 7.0.6 yesterday and have had major problems since. The scheduler will not load playlists or generate them. The ads and other events run as scheduled. I am going to try and roll back versions.

Do you know what might be going on?
The scheduler commands to create the daily playlists for the shows did not run. They are not marked do not run if playlist is stopped, nor is this selected in global settings. Therefore, the weekend shows did not run (no playlist). I checked for error messages, there were none. I created the playlists from the generator and loaded them in the player.

I updated the program on 8/30 using the in program update command. I wonder if the patch was not there at that time? I rolled back to 7.0.5 last night and everything seems to be ok.

The scheduler commands to create the daily playlists for the shows did not run.
If there's no entry in the log at all, then it means that the event was not supposed to run at all. In case the event is skipped due to some option, there will be a log entry like "Event ... was skipped bacause ...".
Looks like time/date/week day configuration for your event was not right and therefore the event did not run.