Hi Djsoft, Hi Dmitri,
Firstly, I wish to all the team a Happy 2024 New year !
I wanted to request a simple feature but very useful, I use many autointro for slogan, artists liners, or liners on specific elements and the problem is that autointro working in the vertical mode, so the last autointro are never played if the first autointros can be played by conditions.
What I'm asking is an option to test the autointro conditions in shuffle, not in vertical mode, to avoid that is every time the same played.
Kind Regards
Firstly, I wish to all the team a Happy 2024 New year !
I wanted to request a simple feature but very useful, I use many autointro for slogan, artists liners, or liners on specific elements and the problem is that autointro working in the vertical mode, so the last autointro are never played if the first autointros can be played by conditions.
What I'm asking is an option to test the autointro conditions in shuffle, not in vertical mode, to avoid that is every time the same played.
Kind Regards