Slight accessibility problem in latest Radioboss

Using the latest Radioboss, there is a slight issue with the broadcast archive window. It is that this window comes to the front, with settings button, record, stop, etc. But the problem is that when said window is open and in focus, no other controls via hot keys are passed through to the main Radioboss program. So, say for example that I want to do a sound test. I press ctrl + t to start stream archive. First, i then have to press record. But then, if I press Alt f4 to close that window and bring focus back to the main program, then the recording also stops. But alt f4 is the quickest way to get out of that window. I don't think Escape will do it. So, there needs to still be a way to change archive settings, but it would be best if when we want to archive, ctrl + t would toggle recording start and stop, but that the recording window would not actually pop up, and it could just be done in the background. I think it used to be this way, and this is, I think, a recent problem with this release.
This doesn't reproduce here. If Alt+F4 is pressed in Stream Archive window, it simply closes the window, and recording is not affected (if it was started, it stays started).