Stereo Tool 10 GUI beta compatibility


New member
Hello RadioBoss crew! I come from the Stereo Tool forums with a message regarding compatibility with the upcoming Stereo Tool 10 GUI currently in Beta:
I can't post the direct link to the thread as it's detected to be spam.

Quote t.j.jevers Tom Evers GUI dev:
There have been many comments about RadioBoss being slow: it isn't. It's just not redrawing. At all.
Somehow RadioBoss is being a bit picky with screen draw messages.

I can't really test the DSP version, but the issue is fixed for VST.
I had to force the parent window to redraw as well as the plugin (which runs in its own child-window).
That probably doesn't fix DSP though. Could you let me know?

I also got around to supporting live resizing in the hosts I've tested, but I know it broke things in other hosts...
VST is a veritable sh*tstorm for developers.

I spoke to Dmitry at RadioBOSS and he suggested the bug of slowness not enabling beta version was nothing to do with RadioBOSS.

Could you tell Dmitry that their plugin window somehow doesn't care about WM_PAINT messages being sent to the child with RDW_INTERNALPAINT?
It's probably missing some window or class style (maybe CS_PARENTDC? I'm not that familiar with styles for parent windows)

Dmitry was right in that RadioBOSS doesn't slow the ST plugin down or anything. It runs fine.
Thank you for the info. I see this StereoTool is currently in beta. We'll wait until it's released and after that, if the problem still exists, something will be done about it.
Hey Dmitry, Tom from Thimeo here.
You're correct, the version of StereoTool that's experiencing problems is in beta.

In that beta, we found that our method of triggering WM_PAINT messages in our plugin window didn't do anything in RadioBoss.

According to the Microsoft documentation, using the following line of code should generate a WM_PAINT in the given hwnd:
RedrawWindow(hwnd, nullptr, nullptr, RDW_INTERNALPAINT);
This should post a WM_PAINT to hwnd regardless of whether any portion of the window is invalid.

This works fine in our stand-alone .exe, in Winamp using our DSP version and in VST hosts like VstHost, VstScanner and Reaper.

However, this doesn't seem to be enough for RadioBoss. Instead, it seems to require a RedrawWindow for the parent window of our plugin:
RedrawWindow(parent, nullptr, nullptr, RDW_INTERNALPAINT | RDW_ALLCHILDREN);

For now, I've solved it that way, but RadioBoss is the only host so far that requires this 'hack'.
I'm the one responsible for the code. If I don't change this before we go to release, then StereoTool being in or our of beta won't make any difference.
Got it. I'll see what can be done from our end about it then.
Brilliant thanks T.J, Mr Klorox and Dimitri thanks to you all for working together much appreciated, looking forward to this as the old version is great Stereo_tool I think new version might be better too :)
RedrawWindow(parent, nullptr, nullptr, RDW_INTERNALPAINT | RDW_ALLCHILDREN);
I've checked the relevant code part in RadioBOSS about this and there's nothing that would prevent window for being redrawn on receiving the WM_PAINT message. I think you should keep the RDW_ALLCHILDREN flag - it won't hurt and it does seem to solve the problem. Another way would be to use the RDW_INVALIDATE flag instead that should also work.

@t.j.evers Thimeo Support and​


I managed to update vst_stereo_tool_64_BETA1002-063.dll running with RB x64 now it all sems to work well but am missing advanced menu that we had before. I have the Bimp which is still not configurable. I have looked at i/o and enabled second port on it . However, this is still not processing vocals separately Dimitri informs me this is because they are currently mashed with the main sound card is there anyway the BIMP can process this separately as Dimitri is talking about not catering for it again in this current beta and putting tis on the back burner yet again.

On ta positive note the carts wall and jingles all seem to be cleaner I am not sure how the BIMP is recognising this channel differently as there was nowhere to specify a port
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@t.j.evers Thimeo Support and​


I managed to update vst_stereo_tool_64_BETA1002-063.dll running with RB x64 now it all sems to work well but am missing advanced menu that we had before. I have the Bimp which is still not configurable. I have looked at i/o and enabled second port on it . However, this is still not processing vocals separately Dimitri informs me this is because they are currently mashed with the main sound card is there anyway the BIMP can process this separately as Dimitri is talking about not catering for it again in this current beta and putting tis on the back burner yet again.

On ta positive note the carts wall and jingles all seem to be cleaner I am not sure how the BIMP is recognising this channel differently as there was nowhere to specify a port
This is really not the place to ask in-depth questions about StereoTool. You'll need to either create a topic on the StereoTool forums or submit a support ticket on the Thimeo website.