Strange bug with relay

Jörg B

Today, i wanted to start my Show. For that, i connect to the radiobos instance on my server via relay. Radioboss turned on the relay after the command but the playlist, wich is still running, for cases, when the relay ends unexpected, was playing on a low level in the Background. What could that be? It was the first time.
This is how relay is designed to work: the playlist continues playing, and when the relay is active, playlist will be muted, if the relay is not playable, playlist will sound.
I know, based on this, i was working but yesterday, the Playlist still was sounding allthough the relay was playing. On the Stream, there was a Mix of both, Relay and Playlist.
I know, based on this, i was working but yesterday, the Playlist still was sounding allthough the relay was playing. On the Stream, there was a Mix of both, Relay and Playlist.
I'm not sure how it's possible. What is being relayed, is it a network stream or one of the inputs? How often does it happen and what RadioBOSS version do you use?