Hi all - thanks in advance as quite honestly I'm getting a little fed up with RB palming off issues and their "there is nothing we can do" attitude. Since last week, uploading music,, or a complete pre-recorded show, is taking a huge amount of time. One song will take a minute - a full one-hour program (approx 75mB) is taking between 5-6mins!! I have checked with my isp provider, and my speeds, if anything, are quicker than what they were last year. RB "Support" tell me as I'm in Australia and my server is in Europe, there is nothing they'll be able to do!! Seriously?? We pay RadioBoss monthly and have been doing so for a few years...how are we supposed to fix a server issue?? Any suggestions will be welcomed. Anyone else experiencing this? Also, constant error messages when opening pages on Cloud + when we upload a track or program, then save the file via tag editor, that takes 30 secs to save. Never used to happen. Very frustrated and ready to find another provider.