Hi There,
Few day ago I was purchased for upgrading the RBE to RBA, today just activated it RBA and been success.
With the RBA I plan to use for a streaming radio.
My question are :
1. Refer to your website, //radioboss.fm, can the RBA Automation do a streaming with your hosting for an internet radio streaming.
2. I visit and watch some radio streaming has been register to your hosting and streaming on your streaming hosting, seem they are use name personal domain.
3. In scenario, I have a personal domain and was register to another domain and hosting company, if possible I streaming to this hosting and domain or I used only
your hosting and a domain I used my domain was register.
Please describe according this and let me know.
Few day ago I was purchased for upgrading the RBE to RBA, today just activated it RBA and been success.
With the RBA I plan to use for a streaming radio.
My question are :
1. Refer to your website, //radioboss.fm, can the RBA Automation do a streaming with your hosting for an internet radio streaming.
2. I visit and watch some radio streaming has been register to your hosting and streaming on your streaming hosting, seem they are use name personal domain.
3. In scenario, I have a personal domain and was register to another domain and hosting company, if possible I streaming to this hosting and domain or I used only
your hosting and a domain I used my domain was register.
Please describe according this and let me know.