Wildcards for Dates in the Scheduler, Disable/Enable an Event or Event Group


New member
It would be very helpful if you could set wildcards for the parameters in the "Date" section of the Scheduler. For example, if I wanted to generate and play a Christmas playlist every Dec. 25th, I could put in "12-25-****" and not have to reprogram the event yearly.

In addition, it would be helpful if there was a command that could be set in the scheduler to disable and enable  individual events and event groups. This would be useful for situations where an event or event group needs to happen or not happen in a certain date range. I understand that the "Delete task after..." option can accomplish something similar, but recreating the event when I want it again is tedious.
curtisthecat said:
It would be very helpful if you could set wildcards for the parameters in the "Date" section of the Scheduler. For example, if I wanted to generate and play a Christmas playlist every Dec. 25th, I could put in "12-25-****" and not have to reprogram the event yearly.
This is an interesting feature, thanks for the suggestion. Will be added in one of the future updates.

curtisthecat said:
In addition, it would be helpful if there was a command that could be set in the scheduler to disable and enable  individual events and event groups. This would be useful for situations where an event or event group needs to happen or not happen in a certain date range. I understand that the "Delete task after..." option can accomplish something similar, but recreating the event when I want it again is tedious.
We'll extend the "Event expiration" feature, so that it will give you a choise, delete event when it expires, or just disable it.
The problem with enabling/disabling events by scheduler is how to identify events, as there's no unique event identifier. Name can be used, but it's not unique, so that can lead to various side effects (e.g. unintentionally disabled event with the same name).