Would be nice to have http download and macro features on 5.3

nmai said:
Just wonder can you enable download http and macro as well ??
It's already possible to use the macro (?hh, ?mm etc) with the download command. If it doesn't work, can you share the command you're using?
I'm sorry to mention that macro in url string
(download http://domain.com/podcast/feed/filename_dd?mm?yy?.mp3 c:\filename_dd?mm?yy?.mp3)
The macro is specified incorrectly. You use dd? while the correct spelling is ?dd. Please refer to this page for more information about macro: http://manual.djsoft.net/radioboss/en/scheduler_options.htm
I tried: download http://media01.vatiradio.va/podcast/feed/vietnamita_?dd?mm?yy.mp3 E:\vietnamita_?dd-?mm-?yyyy.mp3
Download file error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
There's no ?yy macro, there's only ?yyyy currently. The 2-digit year macro (?yy) will be added in RadioBOSS 5.3.
I thought about that but not so sure about,  while in this subject can you add day of week? BTW any plan for ftp with password ? Thanks
nmai said:
I thought about that but not so sure about,  while in this subject can you add day of week? BTW any plan for ftp with password ? Thanks
Days of week are more difficult - they can be written in different ways e.g. "Mon", "Mo", "Monday" + it's different in all languages.
I can see the complication of it now, anyway I wrote vb script to handle those. Thank-you for your effort. Great software !!!!