Configuring broadcasting in RadioBOSS via the Shoutcast server.
Part 1. Installing and configuring the Shoutcast server.
You can skip this part if you already have a configured Shoutcast server (or if some service provides it).
1. Installing the server. Download and install the Shoutcast server - Shoutcast DNAS. Official site:, direct download link: Shoutcast DNAS 1.9.8.
2. Configuring the server. Configuration file path: C:\Program Files\SHOUTcast\sc_serv.ini (in case the server was install in the default folder).
You need to change only the default password in most cases - it is the string Password=changeme (replace changeme with any password you want).
3. Starting the server. Start the server - Start-Programs-Shoutcast DNAS-SHOUTcast DNAS (GUI).
Part 2. Configuring RadioBOSS.
1. Start RadioBOSS. Open the Settings dialog box (the Settings-Preferences... menu), select the "Broadcasting enabled" checkbox in the "Broadcast" section.
2. Use the server access data to specify the "Server" and "Password" fields in the settings of the necessary output (for example, Output 1, you can configure other outputs as well in order to broadcast simultaneously in different formats and/or with different bit rates). If you use the server configured in part 1 and RadioBOSS is running on the same computer, specify in the "Server" field and the password you specified in step 2 of part 1.
3. Specify the rest of the fields the way you need it (they are informational fields for the user) - the name and description of the station, genre, etc.
4. It is recommended to enable the "Auto-reconnect" option - it will allow you to reconnect to the server in case the connection is broken for some reason.
5. After you specify all the settings, click OK and restart RadioBOSS.
If everything is configured correctly, you will see "Connected to server!" in the log (the lower-left corner) after you restart RadioBOSS. In case an error occurs, you will see its code and brief description. Fix the problem before continuing.
6. Now everything played in the program will be broadcasted over the network. To listen to the radio, users need to specify the server address and port. To check how everything is working, you can start, for example, Winamp on the same computer and enter the following URL: .
Part 1. Installing and configuring the Shoutcast server.
You can skip this part if you already have a configured Shoutcast server (or if some service provides it).
1. Installing the server. Download and install the Shoutcast server - Shoutcast DNAS. Official site:, direct download link: Shoutcast DNAS 1.9.8.
2. Configuring the server. Configuration file path: C:\Program Files\SHOUTcast\sc_serv.ini (in case the server was install in the default folder).
You need to change only the default password in most cases - it is the string Password=changeme (replace changeme with any password you want).
3. Starting the server. Start the server - Start-Programs-Shoutcast DNAS-SHOUTcast DNAS (GUI).
Part 2. Configuring RadioBOSS.
1. Start RadioBOSS. Open the Settings dialog box (the Settings-Preferences... menu), select the "Broadcasting enabled" checkbox in the "Broadcast" section.
2. Use the server access data to specify the "Server" and "Password" fields in the settings of the necessary output (for example, Output 1, you can configure other outputs as well in order to broadcast simultaneously in different formats and/or with different bit rates). If you use the server configured in part 1 and RadioBOSS is running on the same computer, specify in the "Server" field and the password you specified in step 2 of part 1.
3. Specify the rest of the fields the way you need it (they are informational fields for the user) - the name and description of the station, genre, etc.
4. It is recommended to enable the "Auto-reconnect" option - it will allow you to reconnect to the server in case the connection is broken for some reason.
5. After you specify all the settings, click OK and restart RadioBOSS.
If everything is configured correctly, you will see "Connected to server!" in the log (the lower-left corner) after you restart RadioBOSS. In case an error occurs, you will see its code and brief description. Fix the problem before continuing.
6. Now everything played in the program will be broadcasted over the network. To listen to the radio, users need to specify the server address and port. To check how everything is working, you can start, for example, Winamp on the same computer and enter the following URL: .