Errors during file playback
Unable to play! Error code = 2
The file or network path is not found.
Unable to play! Error code = 41
The file format is unknown or the file is corrupted. To play the file, you can try installing plug-ins for additional file formats from the “Download” page.
Unable to play! Error code = 44
No required codec. It occurs during the playback of some WAV or AIFF files.
Errors while connecting to or working with the broadcasting server
Cannot start broadcasting (output N): Error 2100
Unable to connect to the server – the specified password is incorrect.
Cannot start broadcasting (output N): Error 2
Unable to connect to the server – the server is not available or the specified server address is incorrect. Please check is server address is correct. You should also check antivirus /firewall settings.
Cannot start broadcasting (output N): Error 40
Connection timeout - check server address and port. An antivirus may be blocking the connection.
Cannot start encoder for broadcasting (output N): Error 2
Unable to start the encoder. It is recommended to reinstall the program to fix the problem.
Cannot start encoder for broadcasting (output N): Error -1
Unknown error. One of the possible reasons: another source is already connected to the server.
Unable to play! Error code = 2
The file or network path is not found.
Unable to play! Error code = 41
The file format is unknown or the file is corrupted. To play the file, you can try installing plug-ins for additional file formats from the “Download” page.
Unable to play! Error code = 44
No required codec. It occurs during the playback of some WAV or AIFF files.
Errors while connecting to or working with the broadcasting server
Cannot start broadcasting (output N): Error 2100
Unable to connect to the server – the specified password is incorrect.
Cannot start broadcasting (output N): Error 2
Unable to connect to the server – the server is not available or the specified server address is incorrect. Please check is server address is correct. You should also check antivirus /firewall settings.
Cannot start broadcasting (output N): Error 40
Connection timeout - check server address and port. An antivirus may be blocking the connection.
Cannot start encoder for broadcasting (output N): Error 2
Unable to start the encoder. It is recommended to reinstall the program to fix the problem.
Cannot start encoder for broadcasting (output N): Error -1
Unknown error. One of the possible reasons: another source is already connected to the server.