RadioBOSS 6.3 [beta]

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More problems detected in version 6.3
The System of NO REPEAT of artist or song FAILS. As you can see in the image, a song by ANA MENA is played and then another one comes out randomly from a different folder that Radioboss chooses the same artist. Another format has also happened to me NO REPEAT also failed.
For example, broadcasting a song by MANUEL TURIZO and then the program randomly from a different folder chooses a song with well separated artists, MARSHMELLO & MANUEL TURIZO. Well, Manuel Turizo repeats, the program does not respect the NON-REPEAT.
Please review this. In version 5.9.4 there was no this bug.


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right click on a file, click on preview. playing but cut 1 second + - before finished playing the file


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Hello, testing version,

impossible in the advertising programmer to make it work as I commented in the previous comment in this thread.

It asked him to work only the advertising playlist automator, only, for one thing.

On the other hand, you can combine automatically updating advertising by adding events to the scheduler, where the scheduler will see the list of advertising playlists.

It was just that, and not the complication of this latest version, where you can't just update lists. Advertising can only be updated automatically if it also sends a list of events to the programmer.
I already gave you the example because you asked for this option to automatically update the advertising playlist without an event to the programmer.
I will explain it to you again so that you can try to know why the option as I say is important.

By the way, if you could make it work like I propose for more programming possibilities.

(adsupdate) only update playlists automatically, NOT send ads to event scheduler. ONLY UPDATE LISTS. and in radioboss programmer events the advertising list DOES NOT appear, because they only want to UPDATE LISTS.

for example: (adsupdatefull) Update automatic playlists and add them to the scheduled events, so that in radioboss programmer the list of advertising lists appears.

Why am I telling you this better? As I explained in radio stations, some studios generate advertising on Radioboss PC 1 by saving advertising playlists, for example, in folder D:/ ADVERTISING

But they are really broadcast on the Radioboss PC 2 Not located in the studio but in a repeater, another location, with all the identical and synchronized content.

What do we get with this method? From the studio, generate the lists and synchronize them in the same locations in PC1 studio and PC2 repeater.
PC 1 does not need to have advertising lists in the event scheduler because this PC does not broadcast advertisements, they are only generated.

PC2 has already prepared the events in the programmer, even being able to have different options as convenient. An exact schedule, a different one if there are tracks playing add, etc.

So the 2 pcs have all the identical lists.
Something similar to the "REMOTE" option that you also have an option, but I did not choose because they are not synchronized in the same way.

As I say it's perfect. With its remote option it is not the same.

Also, I already tried the REMOTE option and I told you a long time ago that it had a bug. and I explain. We have defined the start and end of the advertising block as the intro of the block in a random way and this did not work remotely in a random way.
That is why we have a PC1 in the studio that updates the playlists and another PC2 in a repeater that manages those lists as needed (immediate or not) according to programming, having more programming possibilities. That is why I told you that you help to update playlists only, so that PC1 generates the update and PC2, having the same configuration and synchronized mp3 files, the advertisements are updated on all PCs equally.


The programmer thinks, that he should carry the options in this way.

1/ Add events to the scheduler. With this, radioboss will send the advertising lists to the events programmer.

2/ Create Event (adsupdatefull) in the radioboss programmer to automatically update the lists + Add Advertising Playlists.
3/ Only Create Event (adsupdate) to update playlists Advertising Only without sending lists to programmer.

This is the idea to be very good and great option for ease of programming. In addition, in this way there is the possibility of reproducing the updated advertising lists from the radioboss programmer, or directly from the folder where the lists are located, in an auxiliary player for example and broadcast manually, etc.
That is why I insist on this good option as I comment.
I hope to help you and that you understand the importance for the radio station
Greetings and thanks for the effort Mr. Dimitri.

If you don't understand something, please ask.


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Another very important thing for people with vision problems.

Look at radioboss below right we have the option of silence detector Activated / Deactivated and event scheduler Activated / Deactivated

Well when silence detector and event scheduler are active the green color is very weak (I would put a little more intense green to see clearly) Why? Because very light gray off color is almost the same as light green, and it can be confusing.

I would ask you to activate it to be a more intense green to see well Green On, and Red Color Off as in versions 5.9.4 for example. In this way, the red color alerts that the option is deactivated, and the more intense green indicates that the option is perfectly active.

WHY DO I TELL YOU THIS and insist? because it can happen inadvertently poking and deactivating or activating..... and since actually activating and deactivating is very similar, it can cause a failure inadvertently.

As an option, as I suggest, it is obvious at long distances and can avoid an inadvertent failure.
Thanks for your time.


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version latest beta.
We have the previous problem again.
Put the mouse over a random folder in the playlist, mark a file in next played and when you click (play the file) a different one appears. This had already been fixed, but it has happened again.
What's new
  • Containers: pack one or more playable items into a container; container appears as a single item in the playlist
  • New crossfading option: Mix Start determines where the following track is mixed in; mix start can be automatically detected
  • Hour separation markers in the playlist (to enable, right-click a playlist tab)
  • New storage option for additional information: store information in a separate file (details in the user manual)
  • Added support for .cue files: track title is updated according to the information contained in the cue file
  • Track List: next track in Track List is evaluated when the item is selected in the playlist (and Track Information panel is enabled)
  • Weather data display in main window improved: now it also shows wind speed
  • Overlay events: ability to send playing track titles (option in Settings->Scheduler)
  • User access control: added permissions to turn streaming on/off and delete profiles
  • File Explorer tab: added "quick access folders" feature (right-click any item in the file list to enable it)
  • Stream archive feature redesigned
  • Stream archive: added an option to record stream without applying DSP
  • Stream archive creates .cue file with track titles
  • Nowplaying artwork export can be done in JPEG to reduce file size
  • Added ability to name HTTP requests
  • Jingles: allow playing only one jingle at a time (option)
  • Teaser: added filter by Tags
  • Log: added right-click command to jump to correcponding playlist item
  • Added option to show default image when video window is visible but audio file is playing
  • Settings->Controls: ability to disable turning off the scheduler
  • Auto Intro: added "Not include" filter for tags
  • API security option: allow only local requests
  • Added "Set cast title" command in Tools menu to send custom streaming title to servers
  • Added option to configure icon size in the playlist (Settings->View->Style)
  • Added %startsec and %endsec title format variables that hold playback start and ens positions for playing track
  • Advanced option: relay volume when overlay event plays with "Priority over relay" option
  • Advanced option: volume slider only affects main sound card, not monitor
  • Tracks played in cart machine and AUX players are now logged and included in the reports
  • Accessibility improvement: added ability to sort list (call the menu by pressing Shift+Menu key)
  • Inner playlists are opened in advance, this allows proper next track title evaluation and crossfade calculations
Music Library
  • Added right-click commands for tracks: move to library / copy to library
  • Option added: what show in the file name field (file name and path or full path)
  • Improved tracks processing window
Track Tool
  • Ability to record voice insert from Track Tool
  • Voice insert can be prelistened
  • Expiration option for voice insert
  • Playback level configuration for voice inserts
  • Event execution progress for download, generate playlist and makelibrary commands, accessible from List (button on the scheduler tab)->View running tasks menu
  • Added "dsp" command to enable or disable all/specific DSPs
  • "next" command with "CueNextOnEnd" modifier can be used as a first action in multi-action events
  • DTMF exit option: allow to finish playing selected file types (e.g. commercials) instead of terminating event right away
Ads Scheduler
  • Backgroung color can be set for ads to mark them in the list
  • Items in the ads list can be manually reordered using dragging
  • Allows to minimize groups in the ads list
  • Option to pack ad block into a container
  • Reports made in profiles other than default include profile name
Report Generator
  • Added support for styles
  • Total duration is calculated for "List" reports
  • Command line to automate report creation (details in the User Manual)
  • Added keyboard hot keys (arrows) to manage rotation and categories
Segue Editor
  • Prev/next buttons to quickly move to other playlist items
  • Fixed bug when track movement to the left wasn't possible at some positions
Bugs fixed and minor improvements
  • Improved start time calculation in the playlist
  • Detect mix point feature in Music Library (and makelibrary command) improved to have minimal mix value, as set in Crossfading window
  • Fixed a bug in Search feature (player and library)
  • Fixed a bug: in rare cases fade out lead to high sound level at the fade end
  • Fixed: search by tags sometimes didn't work properly
  • Fixed various localization bugs
  • Fixed: tracks played in Overlay were not included in reports
License key
If you're a registered user and your update subscription is not expired, please use your key.

To request the free beta tester license key, please fill this form:
The free key expires June 15, 2023.

RadioBOSS 6.3 beta:
x86 (4/3/2023, 32MB)
x64 (4/3/2023, 37MB)

Please post minor bugs and requests in this topic and create a new topic for more complex requests or reports.

Anyone who contributed will get a significant discount, up to 100%, when the final version is released. Please contact regarding the discount.
Hello, I wanted to suggest an option to place the "log" tab as seen in the image. to place the "log" tab in any work area, thanks.


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Crossfade priorities are as follows, from top to bottom:
- Segue Editor
- Track Tool
- File types
- General crossfades

It checks each option individually, e.g. if you on set Min Point in Track Tool, it will use use it, and the rest of the settings will be taken from General Crossfades (or file types, if set there).
Interesting, thank you very much.
And one last question, for an exact duration calculation of the track.
Is processing that removes silences from music library enough? Or is it necessary to look for the mix points?
I have problems with the end of the teasers. (the last part is cut and there is silence for a few seconds).
This problem is not new. (Previously it was overlapping, we had fixed it with a silence after the teaser, which in our case is a file type).
Now the next thing to the teaser is a container, and the final part of the teaser is cut off.
I'll see upload a video. Any command to see the advanced parameters in the video?
New Feature Request ( Intro ) - Separate Fade in Timing Option for Intro Played tracks only

For tracks that are played with an Intro only, a distinct fade-in timing option would be ideal. a folder's tracks are all subject to the same basic crossfade settings.

The default values for crossfade are used for the fade in if intro is set to 50%. Even when there is no intro, the songs are played with a fade-in.

Hope it’s clear.
THE PROBLEM, is when entering the internet radio url suddenly cuts the fading, making a radical stop and entering the online radio url. this problem in 6.3 , in 5.94 there is no bug and the fading blends perfectly with the input of the internet radio url. in version 6.3 the mix does not occur correctly.
Thank you, we'll check why this happens.
The System of NO REPEAT of artist or song FAILS. As you can see in the image, a song by ANA MENA is played and then another one comes out randomly from a different folder that Radioboss chooses the same artist. Another format has also happened to me NO REPEAT also failed.
Does it still happen with the latest release? It could possibly happen in previous versions, but

right click on a file, click on preview. playing but cut 1 second + - before finished playing the file
This is because of gap killer. You can enable "Audio - Improve seeking..." option in Settings, General, Advanced settings, it should fix this.

2/ Create Event (adsupdatefull) in the radioboss programmer to automatically update the lists + Add Advertising Playlists.
As we already discussed in the tickets, a new option -skipevents will be added for the adsupdate command to allow only updating the playlists.
I would ask you to activate it to be a more intense green to see well Green On, and Red Color Off as in versions 5.9.4 for example. In this way, the red color alerts that the option is deactivated, and the more intense green indicates that the option is perfectly active.
There were complaints about it. Some people don't need certain features to be enabled, and constantly seeing the red sign is not a good idea in this case. The active state (green) will be made more prominent.

Put the mouse over a random folder in the playlist, mark a file in next played and when you click (play the file) a different one appears. This had already been fixed, but it has happened again.
This is a side effect of fixing the track repeat problem, will be fixed in the next update.
Hello, I wanted to suggest an option to place the "log" tab as seen in the image. to place the "log" tab in any work area, thanks.
Noted for the future versions, thank you.

Is processing that removes silences from music library enough? Or is it necessary to look for the mix points?
If you use "Trigger mix at" option in Crossfade settings, then mix points must also be detected in advance if you need precise start time calculations.
I have problems with the end of the teasers. (the last part is cut and there is silence for a few seconds).
This problem is not new. (Previously it was overlapping, we had fixed it with a silence after the teaser, which in our case is a file type).
Now the next thing to the teaser is a container, and the final part of the teaser is cut off.
I'll see upload a video. Any command to see the advanced parameters in the video?
You can press Ctrl+F4 to show the debug window. Does it only occur when the next track is a container, or it happens regardless?
For tracks that are played with an Intro only, a distinct fade-in timing option would be ideal. a folder's tracks are all subject to the same basic crossfade settings.
Do you mean setting this manually, or somehow move fade in point automatically, e.g. to make it end fade in when the intro ends?
Beta produces a modal iexplore forum window which you cannot open links on in new tab. It was much better before.
Can we not mis or pass over the Auto Intro programming to enable :

Auto Intro Output Device
[ ] Main Card
[DS] Speakers (VB-Audio Cable [Change] button
in the Settings >> Playback this is repeatedly being missed on many updates back to when the jingles and cart wall was changed? Its is currently going through the DSP min music channel . You could use one of the channels not used as far as I can tell that are on there.
Do you mean setting this manually, or somehow move fade in point automatically, e.g. to make it end fade in when the intro ends?
Sure, either manually or automatically would be OK. Because when the probability is set to 100% and the general crossfade fade-in is set with a value, everything works fine. However, when the probability is set to a lower value, like 50% or 70%, the general fade-in is applied whenever there is no intro between the tracks. Because of the fade-in, some tunes sound wired. So, it would be great if there was a crossfade option for auto Intro with settings that could be adjusted or auto detection. Eg Position On Track - Start at - Fade in ( a Fade in Value to be set for selected Tags, Artists or Positions ) where the Intro is applied. Cause sometimes I Noticed ( at General Fade-in Off ) that the first Sec of the songs are heard before the Intro & then starts the Intro. The Intro that I have tried has no blank space at the beginning of it.
Thank you
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