Advice 24/7 relay


Using RadioBoss Cloud, I want to know what happens if the relay stream keeps buffering or stop: RadioBoss Cloud will keep trying to (re)connect even if in the events settings I've not set to repeat every XX minutes, etc?

Also, let's say I set to repeat every 1 hour: the relay stream will load/buffering again or will be kept without buffer, because it's already playing and the rule "repeat" just instruct that stream should keep playing?

The goal here is to keep the relay stream 24/7 playing and ensute that, even if relay stream got failures or buffer, RadioBoss Cloud will reconnect whenever stream is back online.

So, let me know the best settings to accomplish this. Thank you!
If you start Network stream from the scheduler, it will make 2-3 attempts to connect, then give up.

If your event starts the same stream every hour, the stream will be restarted, even if it was playing (which will not sound good).

To make it connect to the stream all the time, you can add your stream to the playlist, and also add some music track or jingle. When the stream fails, it will play that track, then return back to the stream - play it if it's OK, if it's not it will make several attempts move to the track, then try stream again.

You don't need to use Scheduler for that, it's enough to have a fixed playlist with the two items: your stream and a music track. It will also work with the stream only, which means it'll either play stream when it's available, or there'll be silence.
I got it and thanks for the explanation.

Anyway, I will keep using the scheduler, so I set the stream to repeat every 5 minutes, "queue after playing tracks" and "insert as regular playlist tracks" because the goal is to keep the queue (loaded every 5 minutes) with the same stream to secure to attempt to connect not only 2~3 times but more, until the connection returns:



Anyway, I will keep using the scheduler, so I set the stream to repeat every 5 minutes, "queue after playing tracks" and "insert as regular playlist tracks" because the goal is to keep the queue (loaded every 5 minutes) with the same stream to secure to attempt to connect not only 2~3 times but more, until the connection returns:
Playlist is looped, so even if you have a single item there (e.g. a stream) it will play indefinitely. It will make 2-3 attempts, then move on to the next track, but as there's no next track, it will try the stream again. There's no need to use the scheduler for such task. It will just pile up "stream" items in the playlist, with no advantages (and it will be harder to manage if you want to add something else there).
Hello, considering the same situation we discussed a few days ago, which advice you give me, because I need to play the relay stream indefinitely, but I need to send every 30 minutes two different and specific triggers via metadata.

That's the reason I am using scheduler, because I have a chance to set the specific titles that I need via metadata.