Plugin Interface Work But It Wont Work For Preset


New member
Hi There,
I am new user entry this great forum.
I am an user RadioBoss Express, couple week ago I purchased App Sir Audio Tools (Plugin), This App for me is great sound and easy to use, I am sure it same like another plugin from other brand.
I tried to adding this plugin into a Radio Boss Express with platform 64Bit, I can playing it very nice and great sound combine with RBE, but I have a problem with Preset on Sir Audio Tools, that preset can't save to latest play, when I shutdown the RBE, then playing it again the preset always return to default preset, for interface configuration can be saved and it working well, it's very inconvenient for me due I always set it them again.
My question how can I fix it, the RBE and SAT Plugin is same platform 64bit.

but I have a problem with Preset on Sir Audio Tools, that preset can't save to latest play, when I shutdown the RBE, then playing it again the preset always return to default preset, for interface configuration can be saved and it working well, it's very inconvenient for me due I always set it them again.
My question how can I fix it, the RBE and SAT Plugin is same platform 64bit.
Depending on where the plugin stores its settings, maybe you need to install it to a folder where it can freely write - the default VST folder in RadioBOSS is in Program Files which is not always writeable. You can change VST folder in RadioBOSS to something else, place the plugin there and try using it.
Depending on where the plugin stores its settings, maybe you need to install it to a folder where it can freely write - the default VST folder in RadioBOSS is in Program Files which is not always writeable. You can change VST folder in RadioBOSS to something else, place the plugin there and try using it.
Thanks for a advice.
On SAT plugin, there have 3 folder, and only 1 folder is working, the rest doesn't work, as well as you suggestion I try to move SAT plugin into RBE folder plugin and (become one place folder plugin), it work fine no problem with SAT plugin into there, but still wont work for the preset, it doesn't saved to latest play of RBE.
I searching on this forum, I tried to Install App Audacity, I tried to play and I choose 1 favorite preset into SAT, then I shutdown Audacity then tried to play again, I watch SAT preset still keep my favorite preset, it mean it working on Audacity, so I don't know what is wrong there, could be not compatible for preset ....I know RBE very interesting for me to play my playlist, just hoping me, next update this feature apart....
On SAT plugin, there have 3 folder, and only 1 folder is working, the rest doesn't work, as well as you suggestion I try to move SAT plugin into RBE folder plugin and (become one place folder plugin), it work fine no problem with SAT plugin into there, but still wont work for the preset, it doesn't saved to latest play of RBE.
Presets are not a part of VST plugins specification, so presets are implemented by plugin authors as they see fit, maybe for this plugin, something's not working right.

RadioBOSS saves plugin's parameters using VST specification. Maybe this conflicts with the plugin somehow. You can turn that off in Settings, General, press Advanced Configuration button, locate "Plugins - Skip settings load for VST" and input your plugin's DLL name there.
Presets are not a part of VST plugins specification, so presets are implemented by plugin authors as they see fit, maybe for this plugin, something's not working right.

RadioBOSS saves plugin's parameters using VST specification. Maybe this conflicts with the plugin somehow. You can turn that off in Settings, General, press Advanced Configuration button, locate "Plugins - Skip settings load for VST" and input your plugin's DLL name there.
Thanks for a reply.
Refer to your advice on below
RadioBOSS saves plugin's parameters using VST specification. Maybe this conflicts with the plugin somehow. You can turn that off in Settings, General, press Advanced Configuration button, locate "Plugins
I did it, but I am confused with this :
Skip settings load for VST" and input your plugin's DLL name there.
If possible and if you have a time, please attached a video, it more easy for me to do it.

We don't have such a video, you need to open then Advanced Configuration window, locate this option and enter the plugin's dll name there (without path).
I did it, wont work.
Is okay you has been tried do the best.
Thanks for your support.

Thank for your picture attachment, both step on a picture I did already, but still wont work for saved the latest preset.

Thank for your picture attachment, both step on a picture I did already, but still wont work for saved the latest preset.
Looks like the preset manages its own settings by itself so RadioBOSS doesn't have any control over it. Maybe you should contact plugin's author about this.
Looks like the preset manages its own settings by itself so RadioBOSS doesn't have any control over it. Maybe you should contact plugin's author about this.
Thanks for a replying.
So far I am so confused, which is should be in-charge to do say is revised or changes something.
Why a reason I am joining here, due I have some problem need to fix, well ... before I am joint here, I was contact to the Author SAT Plugin, he said to me could be the Host Software mean is RBE is should be fix this.
I am just an user between SAT and RBE, both your App is very great, I like and happy to use both your App, my hope only, next update hope you sort this happen.

Dans it might be the plugin have you tried contacting them?
Few day before I joining to this forum, I was asking to the SAT Author according this happen, he said to me could be the host of RBE is need to fix cause of this.
On SAT App. into there have saved interface and preset, I no have any problem with interface saved but not for preset, every time I has saved a preset on SAT plugin then shutdown RBE, and on back my SAT preset always return to default set, as well as SAT preset default.
As well as him experience, SAT plugin doesn't have any problem to another App.

Dans that is strange I don't use SAT app but have no problem with THIMEO which is a x64 plugin. The only problems I had when I mixed up x64 and x32 systems they just won't talk unless windows the plugin and RB is the same. It's the only thing I noticed which caused problems are you noticing any other strange things is it fully VST compliant.
Why a reason I am joining here, due I have some problem need to fix, well ... before I am joint here, I was contact to the Author SAT Plugin, he said to me could be the Host Software mean is RBE is should be fix this.
RadioBOSS manages plugins in the following ways:
1 (default) - it retrieves the configuration parameters list and their values, and saves/loads them; this works for all plugins we've tested it with, e.g. StereoTool and others. This is how it's supposed to be by specification.
2 - settings are not managed (if you added plugin name in the Advanced settings to the exclusion list, as we have discussed earlier) - in this case RadioBOSS does nothing at all with the plugin configuration, and plugin itself manages its own configuration.

There's nothing else we can do really.
Dans that is strange I don't use SAT app but have no problem with THIMEO which is a x64 plugin. The only problems I had when I mixed up x64 and x32 systems they just won't talk unless windows the plugin and RB is the same. It's the only thing I noticed which caused problems are you noticing any other strange things is it fully VST compliant.
Hello HMMM,
Sorry for late respond, I know with THIMEO plugin is working fine, due I purchase App RBE is platform x64 bit so I used THIMEO plugin is x64 bit, why I bought SAT, due I look that App plugin seems different so I wish to know and tested it, refer for a sound quality this SAT plugin is good and nice sound, very impressive for music for me, I am not sure yet for another plugin have similar problem like me use a SAT.

RadioBOSS manages plugins in the following ways:
1 (default) - it retrieves the configuration parameters list and their values, and saves/loads them; this works for all plugins we've tested it with, e.g. StereoTool and others. This is how it's supposed to be by specification.
2 - settings are not managed (if you added plugin name in the Advanced settings to the exclusion list, as we have discussed earlier) - in this case RadioBOSS does nothing at all with the plugin configuration, and plugin itself manages its own configuration.

There's nothing else we can do really.
Well noted.
I know you App is great, as well I am only an user then I don't know exactly what is wrong, I was contact SAT author once I have a problem with preset doesn't saved to latest setting before I joining this forum.

I know you App is great, as well I am only an user then I don't know exactly what is wrong, I was contact SAT author once I have a problem with preset doesn't saved to latest setting before I joining this forum.
What did they answer about it? Also what is exactly failing - when you close/open RadioBOSS will it keep the plugin settings?