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E40 Error never have this happened??? I called my network as I use the highest 1000mb network timeout?? Music jump and get cutoff?? Any help??
My Radio boss is made for me to live broadcast and if my live broadcast goes out a back up server start playing automatically, I have discussed with my engineer he said is my network after we did an internet speed any other recommendations? Thanks. 😊
Lots of red E40


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E40 Error never have this happened??? I called my network as I use the highest 1000mb network timeout?? Music jump and get cutoff?? Any help??
Error 40 means it's a network problem, if you're sure your internet connection is fine, then the problem is either on the server side, or it's just bad connectivity between you and the server for some reason (there can be a number - server is far away, government/ISP is blocking/slowing down something, or anything else).
Hi Salsa-tunes, I've been having the same problems for almost two months. I have changed 3 radio hosting services, in 3 different countries, in Europe. But our DJs, who connect from different countries (Europe), have the same problems you mentioned. We are very demoralized, since the answers we are given are always the same, everyone says it is the other's fault... If you have any suggestions, I ask you to please help us. Thanks for your time.
We are very demoralized, since the answers we are given are always the same, everyone says it is the other's fault...
I'd like to clarify that RadioBOSS in this case can not affect how network works. It's only able to state the fact that there are problems. It does not cause them, and it can't do anything to fix them. The analogy would be a thermometer, it states the temperature, but it does not affect it.

In case of Error 40, it's a network problem. Typical causes are: problems on sending part, problems on the server part, or it's something in-between (e.g. you're physically far away from the server). Any free radio hosting servers are not good - because they are free.
Hello, I want to point out that I never wrote that Radioboss was to blame, my statement was completely different. Furthermore, I personally have never used a free radio service, in fact I have spent many Swiss francs even with your Radiobosscloud system. Having said this, the reality of the facts does not change, that is, paid service providers, ISPs, radiohosting services, VPS, VPN and everything else, for a fee, pass the responsibilities off to each other. I'm just trying to understand if there are systems to solve this type of problem, obviously paying for it. Best regards
I'm just trying to understand if there are systems to solve this type of problem
A solution should start with identifying the source of this problem. Try streaming to a different server, from a different company. If you again get lots of E40 messages, then it's probably something to do with your computer or connection. Maybe you have shared connecting (router) and other computers on the network consume bandwidth.
Good evening, thank you. But in your opinion, since there are 10 of us from different countries across Europe, with fiber connections, with notoriously good and reliable (and expensive) ISPs, don't you think that the problem isn't the connection? And we have also purchased, in addition to Radioboscloud, two other radio hosting services. The tests with VPN services are correct, the MTR tests as well...The only thing that all 10 of us have in common is the use of the Radioboss client. So, I tried to ask you for help via ticket, but the answers are always the same. Vague and without real help. Mine is not a controversy, but we are not really lamers... We all have degrees and are at an age where we believe we can understand things. Good continuation.
The only thing that all 10 of us have in common is the use of the Radioboss client. So, I tried to ask you for help via ticket, but the answers are always the same.
I'm not sure what else can we answer. RadioBOSS is only able to state the fact if the network has a problem. In no way it can do anything to fix that. Also, streaming is one of the core features that almost everyone uses. If it was faulty, we'd have an influx of support tickets and forum posts. RadioBOSS Cloud would also fail as it uses the same streaming engine and it also streams 24/7 never stopping.

Basically, here's how streaming in RadioBOSS work, it does two things:
  1. Send the data to the server.
  2. Check the connection quality to ensure everything's OK; if it finds something's not right, it shows an error. Then, depending on what happened:
    1. Disconnect. This is the only issue it can actually try to fix, so it tries to reconnect. If it fails, it will continue trying.
    2. Network speed or latency problems. In this case it can only issue an error message. Nothing else it can do - obviously, it can't go out to the street and fix faulty cable, or increase some intermediate node capacity by adding more hardware there.
Good morning, perhaps you should read carefully what I wrote. At this point the idea of going into the streets to open the ISP control units and test the broken cables of half of Europe could be a good idea... But since the only thing in common is the software to connect, it is the same... . a doubt arose. At this point we will certainly test the latest release and we will certainly evaluate other software. Furthermore, it was not a question addressed only to you developers, but rather to other customers who may have encountered similar problems. Thanks anyway. Good day
But since the only thing in common is the software to connect, it is the same... . a doubt arose
In the past, we did receive similar reports about possible faults in RadioBOSS streaming. As a result, we put significant effort into reviewing and improving the code, to rule out any possibility of failures (after all, this is the core feature that everyone uses). Currently, we're sure that there are no problem there and streaming works as intended.
Good morning everyone again, I'm happy to read this. For a couple of days we have been using the RB version and so far everything is fine... Good continuation, best regards.
My E40 error went away as I did an appointment with my Internet provider, they upgraded my equipment connected an ethernet cable from an outlet to my desktop computer I have not seen the error again. In my case was not sufficient internet connection upload juice to support the streaming!!