song request and website song list integration


I'm sure other people have suggested this but here it goes again:
It would be great in Radioboss could have a feature for creating song requests from a web page which would also include a list of all songs available. [edited] already does this with the aid of various scripts but it is usually very convoluted. Anyway, Radioboss is a million times better than [edited] but it would reach the starts if pre-loaded scripts to do this could be available in the near future. I'm using the Beta version at the moment but it would make me decide to convert to it after the 15th April if this request could be fulfilled.
We'll publish example song request scripts soon, I think this is going to happen within a week. But for scripts to work, the computer where you have RadioBOSS installed should have a static IP address, or at least dynamic DNS configures - this is to enable web site to send API requests to RadioBOSS.
Thank you for your reply. Yes I already have a DNS address.
I look forward to the scripts, they will add a new dimension to Radioboss!
stokemusic said:
I look forward to the scripts, they will add a new dimension to Radioboss!
It shouldn't take too long - the scripts will be published in the How To section.
I don't think so, as the way requests are handled in each software are significantly different. The song request script example for RadioBOSS should be published this week.
ok, this is what a lot of people are waiting for. I think interaction from the listener to be able to request music is really necessary these days. I'm sure Radioboss will really benefit from this feature and will attract more users. I have tested 3 different types of broadcaster and the only thing which is holding me back from Radioboss is the listener requests and song list display on a website.

stokemusic said:
I think interaction from the listener to be able to request music is really necessary these days.
This depends on the audience. Some just use the radio because someone already picked good music tracks so they don't need to bother themselves with finding music.

stokemusic said:
the only thing which is holding me back from Radioboss is the listener requests and song list display on a website.
The request example will be published soon.

As for displaying song list, this is easy to implement: just use the library API command to retrieve music list in XML format. If you don't use music library, you can make RadioBOSS auto generate the music library file periodically by scanning folders, use the makelibrary command in the scheduler:
Command may sound complicated - so please let me know if you have any questions about it.
I have to disagree with you. I ran a classical music station and I have a lot of people who would like to make requests. I think for pop music perhaps yes, you just listen to whatever is thrown at you by the DJ.

I understand about Radioboss being able to generate an XML file etc but I don't really know how to implement this on a web page, I also don't know how to get Radioboss to call this feature and send it to a web page. I think some kind of template from you for both the file list and the request php script would be very helpful in getting us started with this.

The demo request script is on its way - it'll show the basics on using the request system and showing the track list.
The song request demo script is available:,5168.0.html
Hi thank you. I have tried it but can't get it to work. It says "unable to load music library" all my settings seem ok and my DDNS is working fine. I opened port 3306 on my computer too. this is my configuration:

//details to connect to RadioBOSS API
$rb_server = ''; //RadioBOSS hostname (IP)
$rb_port = '9000'; //RadioBOSS port
$rb_password = 'xxxxxxxxxx'; //API password
//music library name (omitting the .xml extension, the library is loaded from "Music library folder" as set in RadioBOSS settings)
$rb_library = 'Selected_Music_Library';

please help, I do want this feature to work.
many thanks
I have now changed the parameters of the $rb_server string but I still get the message:

Song request failed: unable to load music library. Back

this is a copy of my parameters setting as is at the moment:

//details to connect to RadioBOSS API
$rb_server = ''; //RadioBOSS hostname (IP)
$rb_port = '9000'; //RadioBOSS port
$rb_password = 'xxxxxxxxx'; //API password
//music library name (omitting the .xml extension, the library is loaded from "Music library folder" as set in RadioBOSS settings)
$rb_library = 'Selected_Music_Library';

I opened port 9000 on my computer both TCP and UDP but it still doesn't work.
help please
stokemusic said:
$rb_server = ''; //RadioBOSS hostname (IP)
This field should contain only hostname and not port. It can be DNS or IP address.

stokemusic said:
I opened port 9000 on my computer both TCP and UDP but it still doesn't work.
You can test if RadioBOSS can be accessed from Internet by entering RadioBOSS API commands directly to the browser, ex.:

At the time of writing this post, it's not accessible. The command above should have given invalid password error. I also see that address "" does not resolve to IP address, and this means that DDNS isn't working.

To test if it works without DDNS (this will show if port is accessible), you can try opening it with your current IP address - Google "My IP" and it will show you the address.


If that does not open either, this means that port is not accessible, and you need to set up port forwarding in the router (this is somewhat large topic to cover it here).

Just in case, test if RadioBOSS API works locally, in the computer where it's installed, open this URL

Once you get API accessible from Internet, you can proceed with using the script.
Dear, how could I make Radioboss show a list of my songs to the listener and add a direct button to request a song on my site and not just show a form since it is uncomfortable. My Radioboss is now accessible and receiving requests from the web
Dear, how could I make Radioboss show a list of my songs to the listener and add a direct button to request a song on my site and not just show a form since it is uncomfortable. My Radioboss is now accessible and receiving requests from the web
I made a script for my radio (see screenshot) if that's what you want to do? I can share it with you for free and help you set it up. I will need some information about your radio to customize it with your settings. Contact me.


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