New Request Script for anyone who wants it.

Yes but it takes up a lot of resources to get from XML then put it into SQL and i havent managed to work out how to get it into https, which has a http stream, which means mixed formats, which https doesnt like
If you need HTTPS that can be configured in RadioBOSS, but you need a certificate (buy it or create self signed).
See "Using HTTPS" section here:
This could be because of hidden security changes.
  1. Early Implementation of the Same-Origin Policy (SOP) (1995–2000s)
    SOP prevents a script on one domain from accessing resources (such as cookies, DOM elements, or files) on another domain.
    This stopped direct JavaScript access to files from other sites.
  2. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) (2009)
    W3C introduced CORS to allow controlled cross-origin access by requiring explicit permission from the target server.
    Without the correct Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers, browsers block cross-origin requests.
  3. Blocking Cross-Origin File Access (2010s)
    XHR & Fetch API Restrictions: Browsers began blocking cross-origin file requests unless explicitly allowed.
    File URI Restrictions: Accessing local files (file://) from a remote webpage was blocked for security reasons.
    Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) (2018): Google Chrome implemented CORB to block sensitive data in cross-origin responses that lack proper CORS headers.
  4. More Stringent Fetch Metadata (2020s)
    Browsers introduced Fetch Metadata Request Headers (Sec-Fetch-Site, Sec-Fetch-Mode) to detect and block unauthorized cross-origin resource access.
    Websites can now configure Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (COOP) and Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy (COEP) to fully isolate their context.
  5. Deprecation of Insecure Protocols & Third-Party Access
    Blocking Mixed Content (2019–2023): Browsers started blocking HTTP resources from loading on HTTPS pages.
    Third-Party Cookie Phase-Out (2024): Google Chrome and other browsers have begun restricting cookies and storage access across sites.