RadioLogger: Adding a suffix to filenames?

Dave Terry

New member
Hi -

Is there any way to add a suffix to filenames in RadioLogger, only when that file already exists? (So, in other words, not using the serial number.)

What I'm thinking of is something like adding " (1)", etc, to a filename, but only if it already exists.

Secondly, speaking of the serial number ("%sn" syntax), is it safe to assume that it's a 32-bit integer? Theoretically, what happens when it overflows?

What I'm thinking of is something like adding " (1)", etc, to a filename, but only if it already exists.
It does exactly that when the file exists.

Secondly, speaking of the serial number ("%sn" syntax), is it safe to assume that it's a 32-bit integer? Theoretically, what happens when it overflows?
Even if you start recording every single minute (and each recording increases the counter by one), it will take 4000+ years to overflow.