Announce Weather and Text to speech.....


New member
I am wondering if you guys can support Announce Weather and also support a nextkast feature that allows you to play text to speech on the radio if possible what would happen is there would be a black place to type whatever  and play it.
WBGS-Founder said:
I am wondering if you guys can support Announce Weather and also support a nextkast feature that allows you to play text to speech on the radio if possible what would happen is there would be a black place to type whatever  and play it.
Weather announcements are planned for the future updates.
Text to speech is possible (although it usually sounds weird) - Playlist->Extra->Add text to speech.
I would be nice to have a space on the interface where I can type in what I like and click play also would be cool if I can choose to have it there or not like customize the interface.
WBGS-Founder said:
I would be nice to have a space on the interface where I can type in what I like and click play also would be cool if I can choose to have it there or not like customize the interface.
Text-to-speech for radio is more like a for-fun feature... I doubt many people will use it at all. That's why it resides under the Extra menu.
I love it i use it and that is all that matters to thanks for every thing and thanks for a great software.