Artificial Intelegent

Have you thought about the possibility of creating an RB-compatible neural voice?
I don't think it makes sense to create our own voice. This is a lot of work, which will not pay out - there are plenty of voices available already, and good ones. They all have different terms of use, and I suppose most/all paid ones like Azure allow using the generated voice anywhere.
It doesn't look like there's an actual AI involved. Looks like it's pretty straight forward algorithmic thing. Anyway, RadioBOSS already has TTS capability, we can add using ChatGPT (or similar) API to generate text that RB will "read". We keep it in mind for the new versions.
Using Chat GPT would be quite helpful. During practicing for assignments and CFA mock exams, chat gpt helped me alot
I want to know when they are going to implement AI in Radio Boos. I don't want to go to other software because they don't work on that. A department for AI has to be created alone. The first thing is to use song rotation, songs that have not been heard and songs that are loved, so that they are classified in order of priority. AI has to understand how long a listener listens, when they disconnect, their daily routine in order to do an analysis of our listeners with the hours listened to, days and hours with the most and least audience. We plan to follow recommendations. You have thousands of people to test betas and you haven't done it yet. What a lack of importance to the software. Get to work now.
Quiero saber cuándo implementarán IA en Radio Boos. No quiero usar otro software porque no trabajan en eso. Hay que crear un departamento dedicado exclusivamente a la IA. Lo primero es usar la rotación de canciones, las que no se han escuchado y las que son populares, para clasificarlas por orden de prioridad. La IA tiene que entender cuánto tiempo escucha un oyente, cuándo se desconecta y su rutina diaria para analizar a nuestros oyentes, con las horas de escucha, los días y las horas con más y menos audiencia. Planeamos seguir las recomendaciones. Tienen miles de personas probando las betas y aún no lo han hecho. ¡Qué poca importancia le dan al software! ¡Manos a la obra!