Broadcast Title for Now Playing to update (setcasttitle)



It's great to see a feature we requested be implemented ("Select what title to show in Last Played/Now Playiung/Upcoming bars (playlist title or broadcast title)") but sad to see it does not update when the 'setcasttitle' is used. We insert Line Input or Shoutcast server tracks and then use scripts / programs to update the broadcast title depending on what DJ / show is on and want the Now Playing to reflect this.

Can this be improved? Should it already work like this?

Thanks in advance
Hi there, im currently using the latest version x64 and im trying to update my stream titles using the API Command setcasttitle.
It works fine except some commands for country specific letters will be transmitted to RadioBoss.
For example to set the title to "Brunner & Brunner - In Dir Nur Liebe Spür'n" I used the following get-command:
h t t p ://'n
This line will inject a letter ü near the end into the title - as suggested well formatted coded by %C3%BC in utf-8. The response of the RadioBoss API is OK but the stream title doesn't change. If I use:
h t t p ://'n
the stream titles correctly change, but this is not really fine to read for german listeners.
Any suggestions? Is it possible to enable the POST-method for those commands with special chars like in the writeartwork command?
Thank You in advance!
(original password is obscured here by some underlines and I had to add some spaces to allow transmitting this due to your security rules for links)
You probably need to enable UTF8 for the encoder, in the encoder settings, Metadata tab, set encoding to UTF8.

I checked the setcasttitle API call, and the title is properly displayed in the players, see the screenshot attached.

The URL was composed using the following PHP code:
$url = "" . urlencode("Brunner & Brunner - In Dir Nur Liebe Spür'n")


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