Classic Cart Machine

Is there any chance of you adding Classic Cart Machine?
I imagine six buttons:

1. Play
2. Pause
3. Stop
4.Select (mark on the browse tab the files loaded in the cart)
5. Delete audio from cart
6. Load

With large buttons to be used as a touch screen
This classic card is very useful series for example people who want audio at the point of playing, also to play journalistic material

I've used many software and most of them have this Classic Cart

Do you have any chance of bringing it to RadioBoss? (Or it can be separated like other software without being integrated)

As an example the image below:


  • wavecart5_lg.png
    505.2 KB · Views: 412
AUX players provide similar functionality:
It would be nice the cart on one side and the other's search page to load the audios, I made an example in Photoshop of what it would look like:


  • cart radioboss.jpg
    cart radioboss.jpg
    129.4 KB · Views: 417 said:
It would be nice the cart on one side and the other's search page to load the audios, I made an example in Photoshop of what it would look like:
We used to have a similar thing in the past, but it was not popular and we changed it to AUX players. What if we add to AUX players buttons like Play, Stop to AUX players (similar to main playlist)?
It would be nice to add in a separate window, an example of eight carts with large buttons to touch the screen: Play, Pause, Stop, Select, Clear and Load

Select: (check in the search tab the audio where it is)
Load: (load the selected audio in the search tab without having to drag, just by clicking on the load button quickly)

In a separate window with the carts on the left and the other side of the search

I made a base in Photoshop:


  • classic cart.jpg
    classic cart.jpg
    247.7 KB · Views: 408
Thank you for the suggestion - maybe this feature will appear in one of the future versions, but as I said it used to be in RadioBOSS in the past, and wasn't used much... So it was decided to leave only the button-based cart wall: