Crossfade issue

While playing a playlist with about 500 songs, I notice that some songs, not all, aren't crossfading. They'll fade out completely before the next song starts. In the Crossfades settings I have the "Mix point" checked and set to 0.0 sec. and "Trigger mix set" at -20db. When the songs that do crossfade correctly, I notice the thin line appears in the "On Air" player which indicates where crossfade will occur. With songs that aren't crossfading the thin line does not appear. My settings allow a song that ends abruptly to immediately start the next song back to back. If the song has a fade out it will crossfade at the -20db point. Does this have something to do with some of my music files (mp3, flac, wav)? ???


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NEPhillyRadio said:
In the Crossfades settings I have the "Mix point" checked and set to 0.0 sec. and "Trigger mix set" at -20db
This means when the song level is high, there will be non overlap. You should set Mix point to something larger than zero.