different voices


New member
It will be great to have the option to assign different presentations to a song (at the beguin or at the end, depending a presentation mark on the track tool), using the song code in the correspondent voice presentation and an especific voice. With this option, we can use a male voice from 8:00 to 10:00 hrs overlapping the song presentations and a female voice from 10:00 hrs to 12:00 hrs, for example.
Sorry, but I believe that I didn´t explain well... this alternative is not valid, because I want to try to pre-record (example) my voice introducing "Satisfaction" by Rolling Stones (and many songs more) and RadioBoss must identify the intro with my voice (that correspond to "Satisfaction") and play it over the song, in the intro or ending point (according the necessities of each song). And If I have all intros pre-recorded with different voices, It will be great give to RadioBoss the option to play my voice over the songs (every intro of a song over that song) in a range of hours (from 8:00 to 12:00 hrs) or in a playlist with the possibility to use different voices over the same songs according to an hour or playlist. It will be like simulate to have different djs/voices at different hours talking live. Other possibility is pre-record two or more intros from the same song and RadioBoss choose a different intro everytime is played that song and plays both audio files at the same time, "mixed". Thank you!
RadioBOSS doesn't have an ability to automatically recognize the intros. You can only manually assign them to single or multiple tracks using the Auto Intro feature.
It will be a interesting option. In the track tool, check the insert voice and tell the voicetraks associated to this song and adjust the volume when play the voicetrack. :)


  • Captura de pantalla 2022-01-13 134543.png
    Captura de pantalla 2022-01-13 134543.png
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It would be great to add an option to play some voices according to the playlist or the time of the day.